Chapter 1452
Chapter 1468

The news of Zhenxihou's death spread quickly, and the Dagu Medicine Hall in Dongshi finally reopened after being closed for two days.

Shopkeeper Qian sat behind the counter in the hall, staring coldly at the clerk in front of the counter and said, "Have you checked it out?"

The waiter nodded: "My lord, the little one pretended to be a food delivery person and went to the Tiger Garden in person. The coffin hasn't been closed yet, it's that fellow Tianhu. The villain is really serious."

"Oh? What's the state of death?" Shopkeeper Qian asked.

The man said: "The complexion is black and black, and he is wearing a shroud. It is impossible to tell if there is any trauma, but the poisoning is certain."

Shopkeeper Qian stroked his chin, and suddenly laughed triumphantly: "It seems that our people have succeeded, but I don't know who won the thousand taels of gold."

The guy also laughed: "Your Excellency really likes to joke, this prize is obviously won by an adult, and this person was obviously killed by an adult, what does it have to do with those people?"

Shopkeeper Qian liked to hear these words, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter: "Okay, okay, you are a sensible person, and when things are done, your benefits will be indispensable."

The man asked again: "Sir, if those people come to ask you for a lottery, will you see them?"

Shopkeeper Qian said: "See you, of course I want to see you, I still have something to ask them."

"Then what's the end of the question?" The man asked again, not because he likes to inquire about something, but he needs to know what the adults mean before he can handle things.

Shopkeeper Qian threw the ledger in his hand on the table, and glanced at the clerk indifferently: "What do you think?"

With just this one look, the guy immediately understood, and immediately said: "The villain understands."

As soon as the two finished their discussion, two young men came to the door of the pharmacy. One was tall and light-footed, the other was stout and slightly shorter. They were Gu Feng and Li Si who were sent to the Tiger Garden by them.

Today, there are two shopkeepers sitting behind the counter, one is fair and beardless, about forty years old, wearing a sauce-yellow gown, with a rich face.

The other was wearing a navy blue gown, with good features, a small goatee on his chin, and a mole at the corner of his eye.

According to Li Si's confession, his superior is a middle-aged man with an elegant face, a goatee on his chin, and moles at the corners of his eyes.

But according to Lianxiang's confession, the person who instigated her was a middle-aged man with white face and beardless.

At this time, one of the people who came to the Dagu Medicine Hall was 'Li Si' and the other was 'Gu Feng'. Li Si corresponded to a goatee, so what about Gu Feng?
Obviously, the two shopkeepers in front of them are real shopkeepers, and they don't care who has more power, they just need to find their own immediate superiors.

'Li Si' was tortured by Rongyue's golden needle, forgive him for not daring to lie, so the superior corresponding to 'Li Si' is the man with a goatee on his chin.

What about 'ancient style'?

Gu Feng, dressed up by Yuan Bao, was already sweating on his forehead, and he didn't know how to choose.

Zhong Wen was much calmer than him. After quick weighing, he thought that Gu Feng's superior should be another person.

In Huyuan, the real Gufeng died in the hands of Li Si, which proved that although the two were sent by one side, their relationship was opposite, and they were not soldiers of one general.

Li Si, played by Zheng Zhongwen, made a backhand gesture to Yuan Bao before walking towards the goatee, telling him who to choose.

Yuan Bao's heart was settled, and without hesitation, he went straight to the other shopkeeper. The two stood in front of the counter and saluted their respective 'masters': "My lord."

(End of this chapter)

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