Chapter 1453 Accident
Chapter 1469

"It's done?" the beardless man in front of Gu Feng asked Gu Feng.

Gu Feng nodded, "It's done, Tianhu is dead, not to mention Huyuan, even the military camp in Xipan Mountain is completely messed up."

The goatee on the other end asked, "Who did it?"

Gu Feng and Li Si looked at each other and said, "We did it together."

The goatee raised his brows, looked at Li Sidao in front of him: "Is there such a thing? I remember that you never like sharing work with others."

Zhongwen smiled lightly: "That's no way, the matter is tricky, and I almost failed. If Brother Gufeng hadn't rushed to help in time, the villain would have been exposed."

The goatee nodded: "So, you haven't been exposed yet?"

Zhong Wen shook his head: "Not yet, General Yuan Bao thought it was the poison Hou Ye had suffered from earlier, but he didn't know it was just us."

"Very well, you have worked hard."

Zhong Wen asked, "Then what shall we do next?"

Shopkeeper Qian thought that Li Si would immediately ask him for a reward of 1000 taels, but he didn't expect that Li Si, who was always greedy for money, didn't speak first, which surprised him a bit.

Li Si has always been reliable in his work, if he is not obsessed with this thousand taels reward, he can save his life and use it later.

Shopkeeper Qian said: "Since Tianhu is dead, we can also go to the capital. Soon Lord Hou will appoint a new general of Wei Jiang to take over. By then, our task will be completed. Return to Beijing."

Li looked happy all around, and said to the treasurer Qian: "The small capital city has long wanted to go. I heard that the girls in the sweet-scented osmanthus building are all stunning."

Shopkeeper Qian showed a smile on his face. Li Si, who has always been greedy for money and sex, had always dreamed of the Osmanthus Flower Tower, and it was finally coming true. He was naturally happy.

Gu Feng on the other end also said to the shopkeeper: "My lord, leave the matter of delivering the letter to Kyoto. I have always wanted to visit Kyoto."

Gu Feng didn't mention the bounty, and the other shopkeeper finally smiled, and said: "No need, the delivery of the letter has been arranged. You have worked hard, go down and rest."

If the two of them don't mention the bounty, their lives can be saved. If they mention it recklessly, don't blame them for being cruel and cruel.

Thousand taels of gold, who wouldn't be tempted to see it?How could they allow two unknown soldiers to take away this large piece of fat?
Li Si smiled and said: "My lord, what should I do with Lianxiang and her family?"

Shopkeeper Qian said: "She has already shown her feet in the Tiger Garden, so there is no need to deal with her. Naturally, someone will deal with it for us, but her two family members—— so, you two, go to Pingfeng Cloth Village, and get rid of those two people. The old guy was dealt with."

Pingfeng Cloth Village, it seems that this is another stronghold for them in Xiyuan Town. Very well, the hole has been torn open, and the things behind it will be much easier to handle.

'Li Si' and 'Gu Feng' looked at each other, and then Gu Feng asked: "This is easy to handle, but it's easy to do, but I don't know when we can give the thousand taels of gold for the two of us?"

The expressions of the two money shopkeepers changed immediately. It seemed that these two people were not as smart as they imagined.

The smile on Shopkeeper Qian's face remained undiminished, and only added to the feeling of coldness for a few days. He stared at Li Si coldly: "Do you really want this thousand taels of gold?"

'Li Si' nodded as a matter of course: "Of course, why not?"

Shopkeeper Qian snorted in a cold voice: "If you're afraid, you're afraid. You have your life to spare, so what are you going to do if you don't have it?"

(End of this chapter)

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