Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1458 One person is suspicious of another person

Chapter 1458 One person is suspicious of another
Chapter 1474

But fortunately, he didn't take Fang's doctor just now, if he really killed him, wouldn't he hurt himself?

At this time, another imperial doctor arrived one after another, and Shangguantuo asked them to diagnose them one by one. The conclusions they came to were almost the same, and they were the same as Liang Zhangyuan, they couldn't prescribe a prescription that could treat Shangguantuo.

"Master Hou, from this point of view, Imperial Physician Fang still has some skills." Seeing his frown and displeasure, Liao quickly explained.

Shangguan Tuo ignored Liao, and directly set his eyes on Liang Zongyuan: "Liang Zhangyuan, is there no one in this world who can cure my disease except Fang Taiyi?"

Liang Zhangyuan thought for a while, and said: "Maybe, Princess Huguo has excellent medical skills. If she is there, your disease may be cured. Besides, Princess Huguo's master, Jian Yun, is also a good candidate. .”

Although Liang Zhangyuan often walks in the forbidden palace, he does not interact with the courtiers. Although he has heard about the affairs in the palace, he also knows that the power of the Marquis is now overwhelming. In fact, he is just hearsay and has not been confirmed.

Today, there is still some research on Shangguan Tuo's statement, and he wants to get confirmation from Shangguan Tuo's mouth.

Shangguan Tuo's brows that had been loosened just now were immediately raised, and his eyes were extremely displeased as he glanced at Liang Zhangyuan, "If you want to ask anything, just ask directly, why bother to make excuses."

Liang Zhangyuan laughed dryly: "Master Hou is overthinking, I didn't want to ask anything else."

Shangguan Tuo was in a very upset mood. The disease didn't happen sooner or later, but he had to deal with both Qi Rongyue and Jian Yun before he got it. Now that the two genius doctors in the capital city are gone, can he really cure this disease? Oh no?

No, he doesn't believe it. With his current power, if he can't even cure a mere disease, then his power is not for nothing?What's the point?
"Get out, get out of here, trash, all trash."

After driving away all the imperial physicians, Shangguan Tuo said to Liao: "Command the whole country to find a good doctor who can cure my chronic illness. As long as he can cure my illness, I will reward you ten thousand taels."

In fact, Mrs. Liao wanted to say that Mrs. Fang's treatment is good. Every time when the illness occurs, Mrs. Fang will definitely get better when Mrs. Fang comes. If Mrs. Fang continues to treat her, maybe she will be cured.

But the Liao family is not Shangguantuo after all, she can't personally understand Shangguantuo's mood, every time Shangguantuo sees Dr. Fang, he feels very strange. Dr. Fang always looks indifferent, and there is always a smile on his face. Laughter, but that laugh always made him feel creepy, and he always felt that there was a knife hidden in his smile.

When one person has doubts about another person, once the doubts have taken root in their hearts, it is very difficult to eradicate them.

When Liao sees her husband now, she is always a little scared in her heart. She always feels that he has changed, as if he has completely changed, becoming irritable and irritable, and yelling at her when he doesn't feel right, no matter what she says or does. Whatever, everything seems to be wrong in his eyes.

She swallowed the words clearly when she was on the verge of her mouth. He said that if you seek a doctor, you should seek a doctor. After all, she can't be his master, so just follow what he said, and there is nothing wrong with it.

There are no walls that are impenetrable in the world, let alone inquiring about what happened in Shangguan Tuoyuan soon reached Shangguan Nuohe Nianwen's ears.

Shangguan Nuo frowned and said nothing, Nian Wen rested his chin and thought about things.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Shangguan Nuo finally couldn't bear it anymore: "What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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