Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1459 I only consider you a friend

Chapter 1459 I only consider you a friend

Chapter 1475

Nianwen raised his eyebrows, and glanced lightly at Shangguan Nuo: "What do I think, do you really want to know?"

Shangguan Nuo nodded: "I want to know."

She looked at him, was silent for a while, and finally said: "Your father killed my parents, killed my emperor's uncle, and tried to seize the great Chu country. If I said that I wanted to kill him, would you be surprised?"

Shangguan Nuo felt a pain in his heart, closed his eyes and shook his head: "It's not surprising at all, if I were you, I'm afraid I would have killed him in front of him long ago, why would I sit here calmly."

The slender palms she put on the table slowly clenched into fists, "Do you think I don't want to? I dream about it, but I can't do it yet. My mother has told me many times that you must not act rashly or willfully." From the heart, we must take the overall situation into consideration.”

"For the sake of the overall situation, I have endured until now, Shangguan Nuo, you will never be able to understand my pain."

Shangguan Nuo shook his head, reached out to hold her clenched fist with white knuckles: "No, I understand, I fully understand your pain."

She quickly withdrew her hand, got up and walked to the window, looking at the waning moon in the night sky outside the window, her eyes were full of bitterness: "You don't understand, you are not me, that person, even though he is heinous, is your father after all, you It is impossible to deal with him personally, the blood relationship between you and him will never be broken."

"What do you want me to do to believe me?" Shangguan Nuo was a little anxious, the girl in front of him seemed to have changed, as if she no longer needed him.

Read the text and shook her head: "You don't need to do anything, you are the greatest support for me." She turned her head and looked at the flustered Shangguan Nuo: "Shangguan Nuo, I am very grateful for your help , and thank you for always standing on the side of morality, don't worry, when my emperor's uncle regains power in the future, I will save him and let the innocent people of Shangguan's family go, and I won't do that crime."

Shangguan Nuo said: "You haven't told me yet, what exactly are you going to do?"

She went back to the table and sat down, filled a cup of tea for herself, took a sip gracefully, her tense expression gradually relaxed: "I don't need to do anything, what should be done, they have already done it."

The purpose of Wan Kun letting her stay in Shangguan's mansion was not to ask her to do anything to Shangguantuo, but to let her keep an eye on Shangguantuo, and use her exclusive carrier pigeon to send a message to the palace if there was any change.

Now in this situation, Shangguan Nuo suddenly realized that he underestimated Wan Kun and Nian Wen.

He thought that the Chu family's situation was over, and no matter what, it was impossible to make a comeback. On the one hand, he helped read the text for the sake of morality, but the biggest reason for his wish was because he liked her, wanted to protect her, and even more wanted to keep her by his side.

But now, the development of things gradually exceeded his expectations. He did not expect that Wan Kun was still alive, the emperor was not dead, and things turned around again. All his expectations seemed to come to naught. The girl in front of him, he was 19 The only girl I really liked in years, will leave after all.

His obsession is like the sand in his fingers, no matter whether he let go or hold it tightly, it is useless, he can't grasp it, and he will never be able to grasp it.

"Wen'er, have you, have you ever liked me, even just a little bit?"

She put down the teacup in her hand, but never took her eyes off the teacup: "I'm sorry, I already have something to belong to. I have always regarded you as a friend and never thought of anything else."

Knowing that this is the result, but hearing it with my own ears, my heart still hurts like being stabbed with a sharp knife.

(End of this chapter)

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