Chapter 1462 One step away

Chapter 1478

Shangguan Tuo continued to go up the steps, nine jade steps, just nine steps, a distance that can be reached in the blink of an eye, but for Shangguan Tuo, this was a journey he had thought about all his life. Today, he finally got infinitely close. Beside the dragon chair where Chu Tianqi was sitting was only one step away from the throne.

On his usually steady and rigid face, there was an incomparably smug smile, and he waved boldly to all the officials in the palace: "Get up, everyone."

All the officials got up from the ground one after another, some secretly looked at Shangguan Tuo's face, some secretly stared at Chu Tianqi who was sitting in the dragon chair, a hundred officials have a hundred thoughts.

Chu Tianqi sat silently in the dragon chair as usual, with bored disgust on his face, yawned from time to time, looking bored.

Shangguan Tuo stood beside the dragon chair, discussing politics and power with the officials, as if he was the real ruler in this golden palace.

"I just received an urgent report saying that Marquis Zhenxi suffered a strange illness in the western border and died suddenly. The border between the western border and the Xibo country is an important border area of ​​our country. Tens of thousands of troops cannot live without a commander. Hou believes that General Wu can be sent to the western frontier to temporarily take the post of commander-in-chief of the three armies of Zhenxihou, and first appease the three armies so as to stabilize the region."

Immediately, some of the officials seconded the proposal, and tried their best to curry favor and said all the beautiful words.

As the saying goes, one wears one thousand clothes, one wears one's flattery without flattery. Now that Shangguantuo has climbed to this supreme position, he never refuses flattery, which is very useful.

During the entire discussion process, it seemed that Chu Tianqi had nothing to do with him, and Shangguantuo made decisions directly on everything, without even pretending to ask.

However, this was also within Chu Tianqi and Wan Kun's expectations. Shangguan Tuo rushed to the court in such a hurry, wasn't it just to express his position, and it was not surprising that he would do this.

Just hearing the news of Tianhu's death, Chu Tianqi felt very sad and angry. Although he and Tianhu were not as close as Zheng Zhongwen, they were people who had lived and died together after all, and he knew that if Tianhu If he really died, it must not be a serious illness, it must be related to Shangguan Tuo.

Afraid that he would lose his composure, Wan Kun hurriedly took the teacup into his hand, and said in a very low voice, "You must hold back, don't let your traces show."

Chu Tianqi took a deep breath, drinking tea to cover up his feelings, and swallowed all the hatred and anger with the bitter tea.

Shangguan Tuo was very proud of making decisions in the golden palace, thinking that he would wear the dragon robe worn by Chu Tianqi, sit on this incomparably noble dragon chair, and enjoy the worship of all officials and the admiration of all people. , what a sight.

Just when he was proud, a sudden stabbing pain in his chest made him change color. He had tasted this pain many times in recent days, and he was very familiar with it. , to have another attack above the main hall, the pain caught him off guard.

Shangguan Tuo's face turned pale suddenly, his body swayed backwards, and he could hardly stand upright. He stretched out his hand to support the dragon chair beside him to stabilize his body from falling down.

Chu Tianqi knew that he was ill when his body froze suddenly, and immediately leaned back on the dragon chair and closed his eyes to 'doze', pretending he didn't see anything.

Shangguan Tuo wanted to hold on to preside over today's court meeting, but just as he was about to speak, he opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spewed out, spit it on the white marble dragon steps not far in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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