Chapter 1463 Bounty ten thousand taels
Chapter 1479

This change immediately caused an uproar among the officials.

Naturally, Chu Tianqi couldn't continue pretending to be asleep, blinking a pair of 'innocent' and 'confused' eyes, staring blankly at Shangguan Tuo in front of him: "What's wrong with Shangguan Aiqing?"

Shangguan Tuo raised his sleeve and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was already unable to stabilize his figure, but he didn't want to fall, and he didn't want the officials to see him in such a mess. discuss."

Although the ministers wanted to stay and see the situation, they did not dare to disobey Shangguantuo's order, so they could only leave the hall silently.

As soon as he left the hall, ministers with good deeds huddled together and talked about it.

"What's the matter, Lord Hou? Why did you vomit blood after everything was fine?"

"When he first entered the palace, I found that his face seemed to be not quite right."

"I heard that in the past few days, the Shangguan Mansion has invited the imperial doctor to see a doctor every day. I don't know who to see."

"Your news is too late. As far as I know, Lord Hou invited all the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital into the Shangguan Mansion last night, as if to treat some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, but those imperial doctors were helpless. I heard that a list will be issued to recruit famous doctors from all over the world, and if they can cure the evil disease, they will be rewarded with a reward of ten thousand taels."

"So, the one who got sick is Lord Hou? Even the imperial doctor can't cure him?"

"Isn't it? It's said to be a chronic disease. The old problem that fell in the early years has become serious now. It's very bad."

"Hey—it would be great if Princess Rongyue was still there. With Princess Rongyue here, what kind of illness can make him difficult?"

As soon as this person said this, everyone's eyes were fixed on him, some scorned, some laughed, some praised him, they praised him for being so brave, he even dared to mention Princess Rongyue in the imperial city.

The man also seemed to realize that he had said something wrong, and quickly covered his mouth with a dry smile: "I didn't say anything just now, and you didn't hear anything."

. . .

In the golden palace, Shangguan Tuo fell down, his whole body twitching in pain, Shangguan Tuo's attendants rushed up immediately, lifted him up and sat on the dragon chair directly.

Chu Tianqi got up and cast a cold glance at the guard who didn't know what to do.

"Quick, send the imperial physician, quickly send the imperial physician."

Wan Kun followed and shouted: "Come on, hurry up and come to the Liangyuan."

The attendant brought Shangguan Tuo to the soft couch in the back hall, seeing the master's appearance, he was very anxious, can he not be anxious, the rise and fall of the master's honor and disgrace are closely related to him.

Liang Zhangyuan came in a hurry, and after examining Shangguan Tuo, he shook his head and sighed: "This subordinate went to Lord Hou's mansion last night, and has clearly told Lord Hou that this disease cannot be cured by this subordinate. Physician Fang."

The attendant didn't know the details, and hurriedly yelled: "Then why are you still standing there? Call someone, hurry up!"

Director Liang was upset, he thought that he was also the head of the imperial hospital, and in terms of rank and status, he couldn't be the one to yell and scold him like a warrior guard in front of him.

He secretly glanced at the emperor who was sitting beside him drinking tea. The emperor's expression remained calm and he never said a word, and he didn't know what his attitude was.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you go quickly?" the guard yelled again.

In the end Liang Zhangyuan didn't say anything, he withdrew out of the apse, and hurried back to the imperial hospital. Physician Fang just came back from outside, so he explained the matter again.

"Old Fang, I've read the prescription you developed for Shangguan. What's the matter with his illness?" He was always puzzled, but he couldn't talk nonsense without conclusive evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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