Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1477 You Are You, He Is Him

Chapter 1477 You Are You, He Is Him

Chapter 1493

"It's just a pity. Today's Prince's Mansion is not what it used to be. Master Jian is nowhere to be found, and even Princess Changle is gone. I really don't know what to do about Master Hou's illness," he deliberately said. Tell Shangguan Nuo to let him know what it means to be rewarded for good and evil.

If he hadn't done such evil in the beginning, how could he be where he is today?

Shangguan Nuo was full of bitterness and couldn't speak anymore, and sent Imperial Physician Fang out of the mansion silently all the way.

He hurried back to Mu Cangju, instead of going to his own room, he went outside the room where Nian Wen was.

Originally, the lights were still on in the room, but when he approached, the lights in the room went out. He knew that she didn't want to see him.

Maybe she also knew why he was looking for her.

That person did all sorts of wrong things and became a complete villain, but that person was his father after all.

At the beginning, he thought that he could face it gracefully, but when things came to an end, when he saw the pain his father endured with his own eyes, he realized that in fact he couldn't do it. After all, it was his father who had raised him for 19 years.

As far as Nianwen is concerned, he is not a good man, as far as the emperor is concerned, he is not a good minister, and as far as his grandfather is concerned, he is not a good son, but as far as Shangguan Nuo is concerned, he is a good father who gave him The best of all.

After standing silently for a long time, he finally raised his hand and knocked on the door of Nianwen's room.

Nianwen, who had been lying down in the room, opened his eyes again. In the dark night, those eyes were extraordinarily bright, and in the brightness, there was a strong sense of disappointment.

After all, she guessed right, he will come back, he finally came back.

She got up, tore off the clothes on the screen stand, put them on slowly, and put all the things that belonged to her into her arms. It seemed that she couldn't stay in this place any longer.

She came to the door and opened it, seeing Shangguan Nuo's gloomy and gloomy face, she sighed silently in her heart.

"You don't have to say it, I know what you want to say, and you must know my answer too. It seems that I can't be accommodated here, brother Shangguan, let me leave now."

She turned to leave, but he hurriedly stopped her, "Really, is it really not possible?"

She turned her head to look at him, looked at his face, looked into his eyes, and asked word by word: "If it were you, what would you do?"

If it were you, what would you do?
Heh—I'm afraid I will buy a bunch of firecrackers to celebrate. The rebellious officials and thieves who ruined my family finally have their retribution. Isn't it a great thing for the whole world to celebrate?
He withdrew his hand, eyes full of bitterness: "I'm sorry, I, I just—"

Read the text and waved his hand: "You don't need to explain, I understand, that person, after all, is your father, I can understand your emotions, but please understand me, I am not a saint, let alone a god, I do It’s not enough to heal the enemy.”

Shangguan Nuo finally nodded: "I understand. I don't blame you, and you don't blame him either. After all, he has already received his retribution."

retribution?Hmph, it's not over yet.

Seeing that Nianwen was silent, Shangguan Nuo said again: "Wen'er, I don't have to leave, I won't mention this matter again, you can rest assured."

Nian Wen shook his head: "No need, there is no point in staying anymore. He has become like this, and he probably can't do much. I'd better go. Master still needs my care."

She turned around and took a few steps, then looked back at him: "Shangguan Nuo, you are you, he is him, and he has to bear retribution for the mistakes he made, but you don't have to, you didn't make mistakes, you don't have to blame yourself, and I never I never blamed you."
PS: I recommend Shepherd Boy's new book "The Miraculous Doctor and Farmer Girl: Mensao Husband Can't Feed You Enough", the new book has just been released, and if you follow it now, the first hundreds of thousands of words are free.

It is updated every day, I hope everyone will collect it, thank you!

Introduction: What the hell?She turned from a great doctor of the 23rd century to a small peasant girl in a mountain village in another world!

The grandmother is vicious and ruthless, and the aunt is mean and calculating. In order to have enough food and clothing for a day, she has no choice but to roll up her sleeves to do the work, plant the fields, cure the disease, and abuse the scum.

What?Grandmother is short of money for medical treatment?Cousin has no money to marry?Cousin wants to borrow money to study?

roll!As far as history goes, go as far as you can! !
"My lady, I'm hungry—"

"Husband, I feel that my body has been hollowed out, please let me go—"

Husband turned out to be not Mensao, but really-sao-ah! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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