Chapter 1478 Xu is Farewell
Chapter 1494

Shangguan Nuo smiled wryly and nodded helplessly.

He knew that reading the text never blamed him, but his surname was Shangguan after all, how could he say that he had nothing to do with the harm caused to her by Shangguan's family?

It's okay, it's okay to leave.

He didn't hold her back, nor begged her anymore, and watched her step by step away from his sight in that dark corner.

This farewell may be a farewell, maybe when they meet again, their relationship will never return to the past.


Wan Kun disguised himself as an ordinary little eunuch, and slipped out of the palace on the pretext of helping the chief manager do the shopping. He was concerned about the text and his mother who was seriously ill.

As soon as he arrived at the Bieyuan, he saw Nianwen helping his mother walk out of the gate slowly, while his father was carrying two burdens, as if he wanted to leave the Bieyuan.

He got off his horse, stepped forward quickly, and held his mother's other arm: "Where are you going?"

Wan Kun changed his appearance today, if he hadn't opened his mouth, they would have thought they were just ordinary passers-by passing by.

"It's Kun'er, you came in time." Jian Yun held back her cough and smiled faintly.

Mr. Wan on the side also seems to be getting older, every day is different, every day there is a lot of white hair, the original black hair is almost gray, and when he sees his son, he has a heavy face. There was also a hint of a smile: "We were thinking about how to notify you, but we didn't expect you to come in such a timely manner."

Wan Kun swallowed the pain in his heart, turned his eyes to read the text, the familiar face was covered with tears, and the eye rims were red, obviously he had just cried not long ago.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Wan Kun asked hurriedly, his heart tightened.

Read the text and shook his head: "It's okay, I'm fine, it's just that I left Shangguan's mansion. Now Shangguan Tuo is seriously ill, and Shangguan Nuo can't bear it. I don't know how long he will keep the secret for us. I think it's better to leave early. Keep it today." The person at the city gate is a friend I rescued in the market earlier, I have already taken care of it, and now I will send them out of the city."

Jingdu is still under the influence of Shangguan's family, it is not safe to stay in the city, leaving may be a better choice.

Jian Yun is now terminally ill, and staying can't help them much. When Nian Wen proposed to send her out of the city, she didn't object. As long as the children decide what to do, she has no objection.

Wan Kun asked, "Why are you crying? What else happened?" He frowned, wondering if it was Shangguan Nuo who bullied her?Thinking of this, he became extremely nervous.

Read the text and shook her head, looked at the master beside her, but said nothing in the end, Wan Kun was very aware of the master's situation, mentioning it now would undoubtedly stab him in the heart again, she couldn't bear it.

"It's nothing, I just thought of my parents, let's go, don't waste the time." She helped the master into the carriage, the carriage was very small, and the four of them sat together seemed extremely crowded, but it was also very rare. How good would it be to be able to squeeze together like this all the time?

Leaving the city went smoothly, and she was not forced out of the car by those arrogant soldiers to check. The brother who promised to help her was obviously worthy of a group of soldiers, and he let her go immediately with a wave of his hand.

"Where are we going?" Wan Kun asked.

Nian Wen pointed to the east and said, "Do you still remember the farm where we took refuge?"

Wan Kun nodded: "Remember, Luo Ji's farm, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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