Chapter 1479 Min Hengzhi

Chapter 1495

"Well, let's go to Luo Ji's farm. Uncle Min is also there. After I was rescued by Shangguan Nuo last time, Uncle Min almost fell into the hands of villains. It was Luo Ji who rescued him. He has been recuperating there. We The day before yesterday, I went to Yilie Farm. Uncle Min’s injuries were almost healed, and some guards who escaped at that time were also found there. Uncle Min said, you and your uncle are alone in the palace, and these guards can be brought by you Enter the palace, looking for an opportunity to replace those lackeys of the Shangguan family."

Jian Yun nodded after hearing this: "This is a good idea. I was always worried that you don't even have a guard in the palace. If something happens, it's really dangerous to rely on the two of you. There are constant guards around. I'm relieved." She is very clear about Hengzhi's kung fu, and he is definitely not an ordinary master if he can be Hengzhi's personal guard, and his kung fu must be among the top.

The carriage stopped under the big tree beside the official road, and a group of people got off the carriage, walked into the path, and walked to the farm hidden in the mountains away from the official road.

Passing through the oily green wild bushes, on one side is a small village with smoke curling up from the kitchen, and on the other side across a pond is an elegant farm. At the gate of the farm stands a tall man. pacing back and forth, as if waiting for someone, very anxious.

Nian Wenyao waved at him: "Uncle Min—" she called out, and when she saw Min Hengzhi turn around to look at her, she smiled sweetly, and felt much more at ease.

After Min Hengzhi saw them, the burnt color on his face finally dissipated a lot, and he hurried forward to meet them. The closer he got, the more clearly he could see the old and haggard master. , Disciple is not filial." He knelt down in front of Jian Yun, the man's tears that were as expensive as gold rolled down.

The master is not only his mentor, but also his savior and reborn parents. Without the master, there would be no Min Hengzhi now.

But since he left Laiwu Mountain, more than 20 years have passed. He has not fulfilled his filial piety in front of his master for a day. Instead, he always causes trouble for his master and makes him worry about him.

I haven't seen him for more than ten years. The master who was so magnificent at the time has turned into such an old appearance. His heart aches and he regrets.

Jian Yun held his arm and helped him up, "Heng Zhi, I know your heart, get up, I never blamed you."

Min Hengzhi wiped away his tears, his heart ached unbearably, the master regarded Rong Yue as his own daughter, but now——

He is really useless, he can neither protect Rongyue nor Tianqi, he can't even protect Rongyue's children, he can only watch them take risks in the palace, but he can't do anything.

Jian Yun said: "Go first, let's talk after entering." She knew that Hengzhi must have a thousand words to say, and she was almost unable to support her walking this way, and she couldn't stand on the side of the road and listen to his heartfelt words.

Min Hengzhi took Jian Yun from Nianwen and helped her walk to the farm.

As soon as he walked to the door, a smell of food wafted out from inside. Luo Ji pulled back her black hair like a cloud, and was wearing coarse clothes, setting the dishes in the hall.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she hurriedly turned around and came out to meet her. When she saw Jian Yun, her already pretty face became even more beautiful with a smile.

"Master Jian, long time no see." She stood in the courtyard, bowed to Jian Yun, and looked up at Jian Yun who hadn't seen him for more than ten years.

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(End of this chapter)

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