Chapter 1480
Chapter 1496

Back then, she lived in the Prince's Mansion and had met Jian Yun several times, and she was very impressed with her. Unexpectedly, after seeing her for more than ten years, she would look so old.

Jian Yun smiled and nodded at her: "Princess Luo Ji, I haven't seen you for many years, and you are still the same as before. Time really treats you kindly."

Luo Ji's face was reddish, her eyes swept over Min Hengzhi, and when she found that Min Hengzhi was also looking at her, her face became even more crimson.

"Please come in quickly, the food has just been prepared, you are hungry too." She led Jian Yun and others in. There were five dishes and one soup on the table, all made by her, and the aunt who served her returned to her hometown to bring them home. Grandson, she is taking care of Min Hengzhi these days, and the folks at home are becoming more and more proficient, and the hand that was originally only used to play the piano has gradually become rough.

But she doesn't feel bitter at all, this is the life she wants to live, simple, plain, and indifferent to the world.

It's just that now, if she wants to continue to stand aloof from the world, I'm afraid she can't do it. She is once again involved in the vortex of power struggle, but this time, she is willing because she has met a man she is willing to give everything for.

Everyone sat around the table and chatted for a while. Jian Yun only drank two soups and couldn't eat anything. Her body was getting weaker and weaker. She knew better than anyone that she was stepping towards death.

She had never been a person who was afraid of death. Everyone died, sooner or later.

But she really doesn't want to die now, Kun'er hasn't married yet, Rongyue hasn't come back yet, if her husband loses her, how lonely the days to come will be.

She also finally understood why some people are afraid of death. People usually talk about not being afraid of death, but when the shadow of death really falls, people will find that there are so many people who are not afraid of death in this world. People who are willing to leave.

She is not afraid of death, she is just afraid of leaving them, just afraid that they will be sad because of her death.

If one day Rongyue comes back, only a cold tombstone greets Rongyue. . .

She has nothing else to ask for now, she just hopes that she can live a little longer, until the day when Rong Yue returns.

After sending his mother into the room, Wan Kun returned to the living room with red eyes, and his father sat with his head bowed, silent.

My father used to be a very talkative person. When I saw him recently, he was always taciturn. When he looked at his mother, the pain and pity in his eyes broke his heart. He has studied medicine for more than ten years and saved many lives. Many critically ill patients, in the end, could not save their mothers.

"How is your mother?" Mr. Wan held back for a long time. He didn't intend to ask, but he couldn't hold back.

Wan Kun shook his head: "Very bad, very bad——"

Min Hengzhi's face was slightly startled: "What do you mean by very bad? Master, she has excellent medical skills, and you two have learned from her personally. Could it be that you can't cure her?"

Wan Kun said: "If it can be cured, even if there is only one ten-thousandth hope, we will not give up, but she, her internal organs are all damaged, the poison has penetrated into the bone marrow, and her meridians are lacerated in many places. She did not get timely treatment in the prison. Treatment, missed the best time for treatment, and there is no possibility of cure, now, I can only do my best and obey the destiny."

This is like a death sentence for Jian Yun.

This was in Mr. Wan's expectation. He was not surprised when he heard his son say this. Not only did he feel distressed, but he also regretted that in the past, he was so devoted to the family business and ran around that he didn't spend more time with her.

(End of this chapter)

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