Chapter 1481

Chapter 1497

The hall fell into silence, everyone was very sad and heavy, no one wanted to accept this fact, didn't want to believe it, couldn't believe it.

After being silent for an unknown amount of time, Mr. Wan sighed and asked in a hoarse voice, "Your mother, how long is it?"

Wan Kun lowered his head, hid the grief on his face, and let the tears fall into his palms: "If the condition does not continue to deteriorate, there will be at least one month left."

If the condition does not continue to worsen?Mr. Wan hurriedly asked: "What do you mean? If the condition continues to deteriorate, won't it last even a month?"

Wan Kun didn't make a sound. In fact, his mother's current situation was very dangerous. If it wasn't for the medicine he made, she might not even be able to survive for three days.

But this kind of words, he can't say it, how can he say it, that is his mother, the mother who gave birth to him, raised and loved him for 14 years.

Min Hengzhi asked anxiously: "You know so many alchemy techniques, can't you refine a kind of elixir that can keep the master alive?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "There is no such medicine, no!"

Mr. Wan patted Wan Kun's shoulder and smiled bitterly: "Forget it, everyone has their own destiny. This may be your mother's destiny. In the last stage of her life, with you by her side, I miss her." She will definitely be able to leave with peace of mind, hey - it would be great if Rong Yue and Zhong Wen were here, this is probably her only regret."

Seeing Min Hengzhi crying, even Luo Ji couldn't help but her eyes were red. She had experienced the pain of parting from life and death, and knew what it was like. At this time, she felt emotional and thought of her mother again. However, her mother was also seriously ill back then. After being rescued from the palace, it was Qi Rongyue who cured her illness and extended her frail body for ten years.

Ten years later, the mother's old illness relapsed, and overnight, her illness fell like a mountain. Before she could go to the city to find Qi Rongyue, her mother passed away.

She has experienced the helplessness and pain of watching her relatives pass away, so she can empathize with Wan Kun and the others.

The meal ended in silence.

Nian Wen handed the soldier talisman obtained last night to Wan Kun: "This is the soldier talisman of the 20 troops at Nanwei Pass."

"Has everyone been dealt with?" Wan Kun asked.

Read the text and nodded: "No one was left alive, everyone died. No one knows about this except you and me."

Wan Kun said: "Very well, there is actually no war at Nanweiguan, it was my plan to deceive the soldier talisman, and now the soldier talisman of the Chengfang camp is also in our hands, Longxi has also been arranged, and the western border has not yet arrived. Under Shangguantuo's control, the strength of troops in other places is far behind, and the only thing to worry about now is the Dongli army, which is Shangguantuo's base camp, and all three armies use him as orders, even if we get the soldier talisman, it will be of no avail."

Nianwen sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Dongli's army is 20, even if we have more troops than him, a battle with him will definitely hurt our vitality, and once the war starts, the most pitiful ones will be those who have suffered from the war." The common people who have been imprisoned, the national power of the Chu Dynasty will definitely decline by a thousand battles, and the neighbors who usually look at our Chu Dynasty with covetous eyes will definitely take the opportunity to commit crimes.

This is also what Wan Kun and Chu Tianqi are worried about. It is precisely because they don't want to ignite the flames of war that they have been holding back all the time. To replace his father's position in the hearts of the Dongli generals.

(End of this chapter)

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