Chapter 1484 Can't Wait
Chapter 1500

Shangguan Tuo also smiled: "It's good that the emperor understands, well, the tea is getting cold, the emperor should use the tea."

Chu Tianqi nodded, took two sips from the teacup, and then put it down.

The two said a few more irrelevant words, Chu Tianqi suddenly rubbed his forehead and explained that he was dizzy.

Shangguan Tuo looked slightly happy, and deliberately put on a nervous look: "What's the matter, Your Majesty? Do you want to call the imperial physician over?"

Chu Tianqi waved his hands: "No need, I don't want to listen to the imperial doctor's nagging, just go and rest for a while." He stood up with one hand on the table, swayed his body deliberately, and performed very well.

Wan Kun hurriedly stepped forward to help Chu Tianqi step by step out of the front hall and walked towards the bedroom in the back hall.

Shangguan Tuo didn't follow up to check, and he also faintly felt that his body was starting to feel uncomfortable. This was the early warning before each attack. He hurriedly got up and went out of the hall, greeted the guards with him, and sent someone to invite Doctor Fang to go to the government. While rushing home quickly.

He must not let outsiders see his current appearance of illness, so as not to cause side effects.

Physician Fang happened to be away from the Imperial Hospital, so he is resting at home today.The guard immediately rushed to Fang's house again.

Imperial Palace

"Let's talk." Everyone in the hall was cleared, and only Wan Kun and Chu Tianqi were left in the huge hall.

Wan Kun then told the story of what he saw the little eunuch poisoning, and expressed his conjecture.

Chu Tianqi frowned, "He's going to do it so soon, but we haven't set it up yet."

Wan Kun said: "The poison he injected was not a fatal poison, he was just anxious to let the officials and the people know that the current emperor is a worthless emperor, and next, he should write an imperial edict for the Zen position himself. , Only in this way can he let himself, or his son, sit on the throne of emperor in a legitimate way."

Chu Tianqi said: "Since I was imprisoned last time, the jade seal has disappeared. I guess it should have fallen into Shangguan Tuo's hands long ago. If he wants to issue an edict, he doesn't even need to let me know about it."

"That's right, now we have reached the most critical moment. I just saw that his complexion is not very good. He should be about to fall ill. If he continues to be awake, he will have the opportunity to do these things."

Chu Tianqi's eyes lit up: "But if he can't wake up, this matter will have to be postponed until he wakes up again."

Wan Kun immediately said: "Physician Fang is not in the imperial hospital today, I will go to Fang's house now."

Chu Tianqi nodded: "Okay, you go quickly, and you must find him before the Shangguan family."

"Your Majesty, during the time I'm away, you must not eat or drink anything casually, everything must wait for my return."

Chu Tianqi understood the current situation. Except for Wan Kun, almost all the people around him were from Shangguantuo. If they wanted to harm him, there were many ways they could use.

"I understand, you go, I can protect myself."

Wan Kun left in a hurry and rushed all the way to Fangfu. He didn't enter through the front door, but climbed in through the backyard wall.

He had been to Fang's house a few times, knew the way, and found the study of Imperial Physician Fang directly. The place where he usually stayed the most was the study.

Physician Fang was packing up the medicine box. Seeing him coming in through the window, he hurriedly turned his head to look at the door. The guards outside the door did not notice Wan Kun. He was relieved and hurriedly dragged him into the compartment.

"Why are you here at this time? Are you desperate?" Imperial Physician Fang asked in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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