Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1485 Do your best and obey the destiny.

Chapter 1485 Do your best and obey the destiny.

Chapter 1501

Wan Kun asked in a low voice, "Are you going to Shangguan's house now?"

Imperial Physician Fang nodded: "Exactly, how did you know? Shangguan Tuo is now in the mansion."

Wan Kun leaned forward and whispered a few words in Imperial Physician Fang's ear. Immediately, Imperial Physician Fang showed joy. He finally waited for this day. This old thief should have dealt with him like this long ago.

Physician Fang hurriedly responded: "I know what to do, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

Wan Kun said: "Be careful not to lie. Now that they are in power, if they want to kill you as an imperial doctor, it will take almost no effort to protect themselves."

Doctor Fang was moved in his heart, he knew that the young man in front of him was speaking the truth, he was different from people like Shangguantuo, he had a human touch, he could feel it.

Physician Fang nodded heavily: "I understand, don't worry."

Physician Fang picked up the medicine box and went out, followed the guards to leave the Fang Mansion, while Wan Kun went out the same way and returned to Chu Palace.


When Physician Fang arrived, Shangguan Tuo had already passed out from the pain. Although he was unconscious, his body was still twitching and trembling. Even in a coma, his body was still suffering from great pain.

After examining it, Imperial Physician Fang said with a sullen face: "Madam, Lord Hou's illness has reached a very critical stage, and I have nothing to do. The previous methods are totally useless for Lord Hou now."

Liao's complexion turned pale, and she no longer cared about the defenses of men and women, she grabbed Imperial Physician Fang's arm: "Princess Fang, I know you are a miracle doctor, there is no disease in this world that you can't cure, please, I beg you Please, you must cure Lord Hou. I promise you, as long as you can cure Lord Hou, I will give you anything you want, including thousands of dollars, land and houses, and even the position of head of the Imperial Hospital. I can promise you on behalf of Lord Hou, as long as you can cure Lord Hou, no matter what, no matter what it is, I can give it to you."

Imperial Physician Fang still shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't do it. Ma'am, please don't embarrass me."

Liao's face was full of despair, and tears kept falling down: "Really, is there really nothing to do?"

Imperial Physician Fang glanced at Shangguantuo again, and said, "What I can do now is to save his life, but whether he can wake up like before depends on the destiny."

Do your best, listen to destiny.

This is not the first time she heard this kind of words. Before her father passed away, the doctor said the same thing to her. Before her mother passed away, she also said the same thing. Is it the husband's turn now?

No, no, if the master is gone, what will happen to this family?In the past, there were parents who supported her, but now her father is gone, and Nuo'er has never stood up in front of the master's subordinates. Who can trust such a young Nuo'er? If so, the Shangguan family may face a catastrophe.

"Really, is there really no other way?" Liao asked crying

Physician Fang shook his head: "I can only save his life. Whether he can wake up or not depends on his fate."

Physician Fang is the person who knows the master's health best, and he was the one who treated him in the past few times. There is no way for others to take the master, and the reward notice was posted, but no one came to reveal the list.

She seemed to have no other choice but to trust Doctor Fang.

She finally nodded: "Well, it doesn't matter if you can save your life, save his life first, and it won't be too late to talk about other things later." She still pinned her hopes on the notice outside, there are countless capable people in the world, There will always be someone who can cure Lord Hou, there will always be someone.

(End of this chapter)

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