Chapter 1486 What to do?
Chapter 1502

This time, Imperial Physician Fang did not ask Liao Shi to leave the room, he administered acupuncture to Shangguan Tuo in front of Liao Shi.

Liao couldn't understand either, she just felt dazzled, her mind went blank, and she had no idea at all.

How to do?
What should I do next?
She suddenly thought of her son, if her husband really fell down, the only support of the Shangguan family would be Nuo'er.

She waved to the maid outside the door: "Go and ask the prince to come over, hurry up."

The maid left in a hurry, but she was still alone when she came back. She said to Mrs. Liao, "Ma'am, the prince is not in the mansion. The servants in the courtyard said that the prince and Cui Guanshi went out, and they said they went to an auction house in the east of the city." .”

Liao frowned, with a very ugly expression on his face: "What time is this, they are still thinking about going out to have fun, go, pass on my words, send someone to the auction house to find them both, and say that I am in a hurry."

At this time, Imperial Physician Fang had finished administering the needles and was pinning the silver needles into the needle bag one by one. He turned his head and glanced at Liao Shi, and said, "Ma'am, Master Hou's condition has stabilized for the time being."

Liao hurried forward, and saw that her husband was no longer convulsing like before, and his complexion seemed to look better.

Her nervousness eased a little, and she asked anxiously, "Master Hou, he really won't wake up?"

Physician Fang shook his head: "I can't tell. If Master Hou has a strong desire to survive, he might wake up. Everything depends on himself."

Liao wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, sighed a long time, and said with a wry smile, "Thank you."

Physician Fang nodded, picked up the packed medicine box and left. If he hadn't taken the overall situation into consideration, he would have stabbed the thief to death with one needle today.

An hour later, Guanshi Cui and Shangguan Nuo hurried back to the mansion. Liao was about to give them a lecture, but Shangguan Nuo said: "Mother, we have found a way to save father."

Liao was taken aback for a moment, but then she was overjoyed: "But there is a genius doctor who revealed the list?"

Shangguan Nuo shook his head, looking quite excited: "No, there is a kind of magic medicine, which will be sent to the capital for auction in a few days. This kind of magic medicine is made from bodhi seeds that only bear fruit once in 30 years. A bodhi tree bears fruit once every 30 years, only one at a time, and this bodhi seed can only be refined into one yang-returning pill. It is said that even the dead can return to yang after eating it, so it is named Returning to Yang Pill."

Cui Guanshi continued: "It may be exaggerated to say that the dead can return to the sun after eating it, but the magical effect of the Bodhi Pill is real, no matter what kind of disease, as long as you take the Bodhi Pill, the disease can be cured. "

"Is there really such a magical medicine?" Liao's blood boiled with excitement when she heard that, wishing she could give her husband the Bodhi Pill right now.

Shangguan Nuo nodded: "It's absolutely true. Steward Cui and I went to Citigroup today just for this matter. We have already proved that the news is true. In at most three days, the Bodhi Pill will be auctioned at Citigroup."

Liao hurriedly said: "No matter what, this Bodhi Pill must not fall into the hands of others. No matter what the price is, this Bodhi Pill must be obtained. It is related to your father's life."

Speaking of his father's life, Shangguan Nuo found out that his father was lying on the bed, his expression changed, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with father?"

Mrs. Liao sighed, and said in a deep voice: "He fell ill just after he came back from the palace today. Imperial Physician Fang just came and gave him an injection. Although his condition was under control, Imperial Physician Fang said that he This disease is already dying, and he has no choice but to do his best and obey the destiny, whether he can wake up or not is still a matter of opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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