Chapter 1487 Coma and Bedridden
Chapter 1503

Shangguan Nuo didn't expect his father's illness to deteriorate so quickly, and now he has reached the point of coma and bedridden. If it weren't for this Bodhi Pill—he dared not imagine what would happen to Shangguan's family without his father. Dare to think.

In the past few days, he has been suffering tremendously in his heart. He very much hopes that his father will recover and be as healthy as before, but he does not hope that after his father recovers, he will launch a coup to seize things that do not belong to him.

After Steward Cui left, he pulled his mother to sit down at the table, "Mom, I want to discuss something with you."

Liao Shi nodded: "Tell me."

"Mother, if the Bodhi Pill is really effective and can really save my father, I want to take you two elders away from the capital, away from the place of right and wrong, let's go back to Dongli, or go to any place where no one knows us, and start over. Life, don't care about the political affairs of the court anymore, okay?"

Liao's face was surprised: "What are you talking about? You were born as a son, your father is Lord Marquis, and in the future he--" He didn't say the following words, but Shangguan Nuo knew what she was going to say, and he continued: "Mother, I don't care about these false names. I don't have that kind of ambition. I just want our family to live together in a healthy and safe way. Even if we live a hard life, it's better than living in fear and with our heads in our waists."

Liao looked at her son in front of her. She never thought that her son would say such a thing. She thought that his son, like all dudes, only knew how to enjoy wealth.

She was very moved, but still shook her head: "My child, you are still too young. There are some things that you can't do whatever you want. Things have developed to the point where we have no room for us to choose. We have no more. The possibility of choice, we can only keep our current life and even live a better life if we keep moving forward. If it is true as you said, if you give up everything you have so hard to get, what will be the consequences? Have you ever thought about it? "

Shangguan Nuo nodded: "I thought about it, that's why I said that before things get too out of hand, our family will quietly leave the capital, stay away from right and wrong, and never care about worldly affairs."

"It's easy for you to say. In the whole world, is it the king's land? Where can we go? Facing us, there is only one dead end, do you still understand?" Liao's emotions were a little agitated. It's not that she didn't understand what her son said. These, she just can't let go, can't let go of this pampered life, she has never suffered in her life, and now she wants to live that kind of inferior life when she is old?She couldn't do it, and it was scary to think about it.

"Mother—" Shangguan Nuo wanted to persuade him again, but was interrupted by Liao Shisheng: "You don't have to say any more, this matter is not up to you and me to decide, unless your parents make such a decision, otherwise, you are It's useless to tell me to break your mouth."

Mother is so decisive, what else can he say?With his father's character, how could he be persuaded? His mother was his last hope. If his mother agreed, he would be able to take him out of here and talk about it later.

But the mother disagreed. Although he is the eldest son, he has no right to make decisions in this mansion.

He sighed deeply, perhaps this was his fate.

Looking at her son's lonely back, Liao's mood was also very complicated. She didn't want to live in fear, but she didn't want to live in poverty.

(End of this chapter)

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