Chapter 1491
Chapter 1507

Now, the situation seems to be hanging in the balance.

"Guard Cui, how many gold tickets can we move at most?" Shangguan Nuo asked.

Cui Guanshi shook his head: "That's all. I was afraid of what happened now, so I gathered all the active things in the mansion together. That's all."

When they entered Citigroup, they registered the maximum limit that they could use today. Once they exceeded the maximum limit they registered, they would be automatically withdrawn from the auction and lose their qualifications for this auction. If they want to change the status quo, there is only one way: After obtaining a large number of golden tickets and taking them to the accounting office of Citigroup to increase the limit, they can continue to auction at high prices.

But the problem is that they can't get more golden tickets now, and they can't increase the limit at all.

Cui Guanshi was heartbroken with remorse, he patted the table, and said in a deep voice: "If we could have obtained the Wan family's property earlier, why would we have the situation we are in today? The Shangguan family has dominated Dongli for many years, but Life is not as luxurious and extravagant as Hou Ye in other places. When the old Hou Ye was in charge of the house, he spent a lot of money on road construction and disaster relief. After entering the Shangguan Mansion, the situation slowly changed. I have worked hard to collect money these years, but after all, I am not very old, and it is very rare to be able to save the current family business."

At this time, the price of VIP seat No. 36 had already been raised to [-]. Shangguan Nuo looked anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

Cui Guanshi gritted his teeth and said: "It seems that we are going to use our power, otherwise today's Bodhi Pill will definitely miss us."

If this kind of thing happened on weekdays, Shangguan Nuo would definitely stop Cui Guanshi. He couldn't bear the injustice of using power to oppress others. But today, the matter involved his father, so he finally chose to remain silent. In the past, he thought he was noble and extraordinary, and he was naturally different from those ordinary people, but at this point, he suddenly understood that he has never been special, he has always been ordinary, and is like thousands of people in the world. Wan's people are the same, nothing special.

He closed his eyes and wanted to close his ears at the same time, not wanting to listen to those disgusting conversations, but those words pierced his ears like sharp knives, piercing his heart one by one.

The shopkeeper of Citibank cannot be the master, nor can the boss. After all, the Bodhi Pill is not the property of their firm.

Let the two of them talk face to face.

Boss Na Hua went directly to VIP room No. [-], knocked on the door of the VIP room and entered.

At this moment Cui Guanshi and Shangguan Nuo realized that the one next door to them was not the buyer, but the seller.

The seller is not a local, it can be said that he is not a native of the country. The Chu Dynasty did not have a bodhi tree. He came from a remote and barren country. The bodhi tree is the only precious thing in their country. In order to let the people in his hometown survive this year’s cold winter, He brought the newly refined Bodhi Pill to Chu State, because among the neighbors, only Chu State is the most affluent, so the Bodhi Pill auctioned here will naturally fetch a high price that is not available in other places. His purpose is very simple. They just want money, a lot of money.

At this time, the price had already reached 41, and when he heard that Steward Cui and Mr. Shangguan only had 40 gold tickets, he immediately rejected their proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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