Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1492 There are only 1 ways

Chapter 1492 Only One Way
Chapter 1508

As long as he doesn't stop, obviously the price can continue to rise, who will eat the meat floss that has already been bitten into his mouth?

Seeing that he refused to compromise, Cui Guanshi immediately turned very ugly, showing a fierce look: "Boss Song, it must be the first time you have participated in an auction. Have you ever seen the owner of a commercial firm personally bring the buyer to meet the seller?"

Boss Song was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "I haven't seen it before, so what?"

"So what? Doesn't this prove it? The boss of Citigroup didn't dare to offend us, so he brought us to see me. This is a violation of the rules, but he still did it against the wind. This proves that he is very knowledgeable. Practically, he knows that some people can be offended, while others he cannot afford to offend."

"Are you threatening me?" Boss Song frowned, his face suddenly sank.

Steward Cui snorted coldly: "That's right, I'm threatening you. My surname is Cui, and I'm the steward of the Marquis Xianguang's Mansion. This is our son. To be honest, we are bound to get the Bodhi Pill. If you know him, 40 The ten thousand gold ticket is exchanged for your Bodhi Pill, you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other.”

Boss Song asked: "Then what if I don't know people?"

Cui Guanshi sneered, "If you don't know people, then don't blame me for being rude. No matter how much money you make in Citibank, I can guarantee that you won't take any money with you, and you won't even be able to leave this capital city alive. "

"So, there is actually only one way to face me, right?" Boss Song felt ashamed to death, but so what, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake.

He can be regarded as a strong dragon in his own country, but in Chudu, he is not even considered an earth dragon.

The owner of the firm saw that the matter had reached a stalemate, and was afraid that something would happen. Then who would dare to bring things to Citicorp for auction in the future?Who will trust their Citigroup rules?
Only if Boss Song came forward to stop this matter, everyone would not transfer their anger to him, at least they would not be charged with being a black shop.

He hurriedly pulled Boss Song aside, and persuaded in a low voice: "Boss Song, to be honest, these two people are not to be messed with, and they are very powerful. He said he can get you out of the capital sideways, and he will definitely be able to do it. It's not a joke, even if you make so much money, what's the point if you can't take it away in the end? Don't you think so?"

How could Boss Song not know this truth, he just couldn't swallow the breath in his chest.

At this time, the owner of the firm tried to make peace, and his sanity returned to seven points, "Who are they? Why are you so afraid of this?"

The owner of the commercial firm leaned forward and whispered something in his ear, and then Boss Song suddenly realized that with such an identity, it was no wonder that the owner of the commercial firm was so polite and careful to them.

After weighing it up and down, he finally let go, and it's okay if he doesn't let go. The clapping outside is no longer as lively as before, and several VIPs have withdrawn from the competition. Right now, only two families are still holding placards. He must Turn the foregone conclusion before the dust settles, otherwise, I don't know what bad things will be involved.

"Okay, I promise you, I will make a deal at a price of 40 gold." Boss Song said to Guanshi Cui.

Cui Guanshi looked overjoyed, and smiled at Boss Song, "Boss Song is really a straightforward person. I, Cui, like dealing with straightforward people like Boss Song the most."

Boss Song didn't answer his words, just nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the closed window of the VIP room, pushed the window guard open, and said to the young man in the lobby who was taking pictures, "Stop it, I decided not to sell it. "

(End of this chapter)

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