Chapter 1494 God is Fair

Chapter 1510

Wan Kun didn't have the heart to think about these things now, he never knew that Bodhi Pill was born, this Bodhi Pill was the only chance to continue his mother's life, and it was also the panacea for Shangguan Tuo to wake up.

"My lord, where are you going now?" Seeing that he was leaving in a hurry, shopkeeper Gu was a little flustered, and asked after him.

Wan Kun didn't turn his head back and said, "I'll go to Shangguan's house to find out. If the Bodhi Pill doesn't work, I'll steal it out. If it does, I'll give Shangguan another dose of medicine. This wakes him up."

It is said that Zheng Nianwen has been by Jian Yun's side for the past two days, never leaving her. Jian Yun's body is getting worse day by day, and today, she can't even get out of bed, and she dare not leave even half a step, her eyes are crying like a mountain Walnut, she doesn't know how to face this kind of life and death. Every moment, it feels like someone is stabbing her heart with a knife. She doesn't want her master to leave her, and she doesn't want her mother to come back one day, but finds that the master who is as close as her biological mother has already passed away. In his death, Mr. Wan lost his wife and Wan Kun lost his mother. . .

Knowing that the Bodhi Pill appeared at the auction house, she wanted to go with her, but she was afraid that something might happen to the master when she was not around, so she stayed and stood at the door, anxiously waiting for the good news from the shopkeeper Gu. .

"Wen'er, sit down and drink some water, you've been standing all morning." Mr. Wan sat at the table and poured her a bowl of warm water.

Nian Wen still turned around and sat opposite Mr. Wan. She asked softly, "Is the shopkeeper Gu reliable?"

Mr. Wan nodded: "Very reliable. He has been with me for decades. He knows the seriousness of the matter and will definitely not let me down."

When I read the text, my heart was always uneasy: "Will something happen?"

Mr. Wan is also worried about this. It is supposed that he should have a letter by now, why didn't he even see a person?

Jian Yun, who was resting with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes. She heard what the two of them were saying, and knowing what they were talking about, she couldn't help but smiled wryly: "People's fate is predetermined by God, there is no need to force it, no matter the shopkeeper Gu Can you bring back the Bodhi Pill, you all have to maintain a peaceful mind, don't panic and lose your sense of proportion."

"Humans, sooner or later are going to die, the difference between early death and late death, everyone wants to live longer, but this is not up to us to decide, it is fate!"

Nianwen got up, walked to Master's bed, sat down holding her hand, tears could not stop falling down: "Master, it is said that good people are rewarded with good things, why didn't you get such a good person?" Blessings? God is so unfair."

Jian Yun shook his head, stretched out his hand and patted the back of Nian Wen's wet and cool hand, "Silly girl, who said I have no blessings? If I didn't have blessings, I would have died 16 years ago, so there would be no Wan Kun's existence." .”

"I was born with a nasty disease. It started 16 years ago and it got out of hand. It was your parents who secretly went to find medicine for me, and almost died because of it. Without them, Jian Yun would not be where I am today, and you would not be here." Such a caring little grandson, and Wan Kun, if I had no blessings, how could I have given birth to Wan Kun at such an old age, which made me have no regrets in my life."

"My child, God is fair. It is impossible for me to take all the benefits. I can live to this age and watch you and Kun'er grow up with my own eyes. I am satisfied, contented!" She stared at her eyes. The reading text, this face, really resembles her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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