Chapter 1495
Chapter 1511

How wonderful it would be to see Rongyue again in the last days, at least let her know that she and Zhongwen are still alive!

Min Hengzhi hurried in, and said to Nianwen and Mr. Wan, "Here we come, shopkeeper Gu is here."

Without saying a word, Nianwen and Mr. Wan rushed out quickly. They saw the shopkeeper Gu walking towards them quickly with his robe lifted, with big beads of sweat on his forehead, and his face was anxious.

Seeing his appearance, Nian Wen's heart turned cold. There was no trace of joy on Shopkeeper Gu's face. If he succeeded, how could he be unhappy?
Mr. Wan rushed forward and asked, "How is it? Did you get the photo?"

Shopkeeper Gu didn't bother to catch his breath, he sighed and said, "Mr. Wan, I'm really sorry, I missed it."

Min Hengzhi anxiously asked: "You missed? In terms of financial resources, with the wealth of the Wan family, how could you miss it? What happened?"

Shopkeeper Gu said: "The original price has already reached 51 gold, and I was already in a stable situation. Who would have thought that the seller, Boss Song, suddenly stopped and said he would not sell it. At first I thought he thought the price was too low. Ken sold it, so I decided to talk to him in private, the price is up to him, but who knows, I saw him come out of the VIP room with Shangguan Nuo and Steward Cui, I heard their conversation, Shangguan Nuo didn't know what to do What kind of means did Boss Song make the deal at a price of 40 gold?"

Nian Wen was shocked: "You mean, the Bodhi Pill is now in Shangguan Nuo's hands?"

She thought of Shangguan Tuo's condition, and the sad and worried expression on his face when he said goodbye to Shangguan Nuo that day, it seemed that he planned to use Bodhi Pill to save Shangguan Tuo.

If Shangguan Tuozhen took the Bodhi Pill and woke up, wouldn't the emperor's uncle and Wan Kun be very dangerous?
Thinking of this, she couldn't sit still anymore, but she couldn't rest assured about Jian Yun. Mr. Wan saw her worry and anxiety, and sighed: "Everyone has his own destiny, and it's useless to force it, that's all, that's all——Wen'er, you Do whatever you want, your master has me here, and I will always guard her."

Wen'er hesitated for a while, and finally nodded. She entered the room and said goodbye to the master. She couldn't stop crying. Given the current situation of the master, this farewell may be a farewell. . .

She knelt down in front of the bed and knocked her head three times. Jian Yun closed her eyes, and the crystal teardrops slipped from the corners of her eyes and disappeared into the temples, leaving only a trace of tears still clearly visible.

She waved her hand and said, "Go, do whatever you want, don't let yourself regret it in the future."

Wen'er got up, bid farewell to the master, Min Hengzhi also changed his clothes, and planned to go with Wen'er.

Luo Ji on the side was full of worries, and wanted to stop him, but didn't know how to speak.

Read the text and said: "Uncle Min, you can stay. Master and the others still need your care. Apart from you, there is no one here to protect them. If you leave too, I don't feel relieved."

Hearing this, Luo Ji hurriedly stepped forward to answer: "Yes, if you leave too, we will be the only ones left in the Zhuangzi. If a villain is going to come, we won't even have the power to fight back."

Min Hengzhi really couldn't worry about writing, but he also couldn't worry about his master and Luo Ji.

Nian Wenqiang smiled: "Uncle Min, I lived in the Shangguan Mansion for a while, and I can freely enter and leave the Shangguan Mansion. It will be fine. Besides, I have a personal relationship with that Shangguan Nuo, so he won't do anything to me. of."

(End of this chapter)

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