Chapter 1496

Chapter 1512

Min Hengzhi couldn't resist her, so he nodded and agreed, "It's different now, that Shangguan Nuo is no longer the same Shangguan Nuo as before, you have to be on guard against him, don't put yourself in danger."

After reading the text, she changed into Xiaoguan's appearance and returned to Shangguan Mansion. When she left Shangguan Mansion a few days ago, she left quietly at night.

He walked in swaggeringly, and naturally no one would stop him.

After entering Shangguan Mansion, she didn't go to Mu Cangju, but went straight to Shangyuan where Shangguan Tuo was.

There are many people standing in this fashion garden, most of whom she is familiar with, Sun Liuliu, Shangguan Yu'er, Cui Guanshi, and several aunts and concubine children born in the mansion, but Shangguan Nuo and Liao's family are not seen.

Presumably they should be in the house, could it be that the bodhi pill has already been fed?

She was startled, and was about to go in to check, when suddenly her arm was grabbed by someone, and before she could turn her head, her mouth was covered with a palm. The people beside him hacked away.

"It's me." The wrist was caught, and she took a closer look, only to realize that the person who captivated her was actually Wan Kun.

"Wan Kun? Why are you here?"

Wan Kun sighed: "It seems that you came here only after getting the news, but it's a pity that we are all late."

"Have Shangguantuo eaten the bodhi pill?" She asked in surprise.

Wan Kun nodded: "I happened to see Shangguan Nuo feeding Bodhi Pill into Shangguan Tuo's mouth when I came, it was too late."

"Then, Shangguan Tuo is awake now?" She asked in surprise.

Wan Kun shook his head: "No, I have been watching. Shangguan Tuo didn't wake up, but I think that as long as the Bodhi Pill is genuine, Shangguan Tuo will definitely wake up. It's just a matter of time."

Nian Wen bit and punched the tree trunk, and said in a hateful voice: "This old thief, Bodhi Pill is worthy of him?"

Wan Kun hurriedly grabbed her hand, saw that her fingers were peeling and bleeding, and couldn't help saying angrily, "Are you crazy? You can't hurt yourself if you get angry."

Nian Wenhong said with red eyes: "I just, I just hate myself for being useless, I can only watch that old thief come back to life, and Master—" Wan Kun, who was bandaging her with a handkerchief, stopped, "I Mother, how is it now?"

Read the text and shook his head: "Not good, very bad, I don't know how long she can last, I don't know if she will still be waiting for us when I go back."

Wan Kun's hands began to tremble. He tried to calm himself down, took a deep breath, and said with a wry smile, "Yes, she will definitely wait for us, she will definitely."

He hugged Nianwen into his arms, comforting her and himself, "Don't be afraid, I'm here for everything, and I'm here."

She raised her head from his arms and looked at his dark blue chin: "What should we do now? Once Shangguan Tuo wakes up, the first thing he will do is to deal with the emperor's uncle. What should we do?"

Wan Kun thought for a while, and said: "Counting the time, Zhou Jiao should be ready soon, as long as there is news from Longxi, the situation should slow down, but now we have to take one step at a time, and he will make a move. As far as I can tell, it’s not a big deal.”

It's easy to say, but is it really that easy?

Of course, Nianwen knew that he was trying to comfort him. Things had deviated from their original idea, and a section of the Bright Road had been cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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