Chapter 1497
Chapter 1513

Wan Kun shook her hand, and said in a low voice: "Wen'er, I should go, I have to go back to the palace to discuss this matter with the emperor, you have to be more careful, take care of yourself, don't be brave in everything, I will be with you in everything." Your Majesty stands up, you don't need to force yourself to stand out, understand?"

Nianwen frowned, "Okay, I have my own sense of proportion, but you, you must be more careful, not only take care of the emperor, but also take care of yourself, understand?"

Wan Kun's heart warmed, and the depression that had been pent up in his chest due to his mother's serious illness for many days dissipated a little at this moment. He bent down and kissed her forehead, and laughed softly: "You will worry about me, too. I thought...forget it, let’s not talk about it.”

She wanted to ask clearly, but he had already let go of her, stepped away, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

She stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, "What, leave half of what you said."

Zheng Nianwen returned to Shangyuan, Sun Liuliu, Shangguan Yu'er and others were still guarding the courtyard, the sun in the sky was getting hotter and hotter, making them all sweaty, and they kept holding handkerchiefs to relieve themselves from the heat.

Sun Liuliu felt sorry for her son, so she asked the nurse to carry her son to the shade of a nearby tree to enjoy the cool, lest the child suffer from heatstroke.

Seeing the nurse taking the baby to the shade, she felt relieved. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure walking into the courtyard. She took a closer look, and it was the Xiaoguan she hated so much, and immediately screamed : "Xiaoguan, come here."

Lianwen secretly cursed bad luck, and she was seen by her when she just came in.

Now that she is the master, she is just a servant, so naturally she cannot disobey her orders.

"I've seen Shi Zifei!" She saluted respectfully, even though she felt very disgusted in her heart.

Sun Liuliu snorted coldly: "You still see me as the concubine?"

Read the text and said hurriedly: "The concubine Shi Zi is joking, how dare I not see the concubine Shi Zi in my eyes."

"Let me ask you, where have you been these few days?" Although Sun Liuliu didn't go to Mu Cangju, there were her people in Mu Cangju, how could she not know what happened in Mu Cangju.

Nianwen was in a bad mood, and was about to tell a lie to hide it, but Shangguan Yu'er interrupted: "I said sister-in-law, Xiaoguan is the person next to my elder brother, do I need to report his whereabouts to you? You can control it." is it on?"

Sun Liuliu glared at Shangguan Yu'er, very dissatisfied that she demolished her in front of so many people.

Shangguan Yu'er stared back at her unceremoniously. It's not a day or two since Sun Liuliu disliked her. Who doesn't know?

"Xiao Guan, please ignore her, there is no need to report your affairs to her, she can't control you." Shangguan Yu'er pulled Nian Wen to her side, away from Sun Liuliu.

Sun Liuliu was about to explode with anger, this Shangguan Yu'er was getting more and more outrageous, she was her sister-in-law, she didn't give her any face, let her down in front of so many people.

Openly defending an incomprehensible servant, she is the concubine, but the future mistress of the Shangguan Mansion, even——If Shangguan Nuo ascends to the throne, she will be the queen. By then, hmph—she will definitely Let Shangguan Yu'er understand the fate of offending her, Sun Liuliu.

Sun Liuliu ruthlessly suppressed the anger that was about to burst out of her chest, and wait and see, she will definitely avenge her revenge.

Thinking of Shangguan Yu'er's current age, she will reach her age in two months. At that time, she will start looking for a husband's family. The elder sister-in-law is like a mother. She will definitely help her find a "good husband's family".

 Recommend the new book of the shepherd boy, Miracle Doctor Farmer Girl: Mensao Husband Can’t Feed Enough
  what the hell?She turned from a great doctor in the 23rd century to a small peasant girl in a mountain village in another world!

  The grandmother is vicious and ruthless, and the aunt is mean and calculating. In order to have enough food and clothing for a day, she has no choice but to roll up her sleeves to do the work, plant the fields, cure the disease, and abuse the scum.

  What?Grandmother is short of money for medical treatment?Cousin has no money to marry?Cousin wants to borrow money to study?

  roll!As far as history goes, go as far as you can! !
  "My lady, I'm hungry—"

  "Husband, I feel that my body has been hollowed out, please let me go—"

  Husband turned out to be not Mensao, but really-sao-ah! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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