Chapter 1498 Forced Buying
Chapter 1514

"Thank you, miss." Nianwen thanked in a low voice.

Shangguan Yu'er glanced at him, those eyes were still so breathtaking, was it also because of these eyes that the elder brother was so special to him?
She shook her head quickly: "No, big brother is not such a person, absolutely not."

At this time, the door, which had been closed for a long time, finally opened, and Shangguan Nuo came out with a happy face, and said to everyone in the courtyard: "Father is awake, Father is awake."

He was very happy in his heart, and the smile on his face became brighter. He glanced at the crowd casually, and didn't intend to look at anyone, but when his gaze caught the familiar figure, the smile on his face froze. up.

Wen'er, she's back.

It seems that she already knew about his photographing of Bodhi Dan.

When he left Citigroup, when he learned that the ancient shopkeeper with the highest bid was actually from the Wan family, he felt guilty. If he hadn't resorted to secret tricks to sell this bodhi pill at a low price of 40 gold Forced buy.

It should actually belong to Jian Yun.

The smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and he looked at Zheng Nianwen from a distance, looking at those eyes, the eyes were cold and without warmth.

He didn't know what to say to her. What he did might be right or wrong, but he couldn't tell right now. He just wanted to save his father, and he didn't care about anything else.

He withdrew his gaze, turned around and entered the room. Although Shangguan Tuo was awake, his mind was still a little dazed and he was not fully awake. Mrs. Liao was feeding him medicine.

Seeing Shangguan Nuo entering the room, Liao asked, "Nuo'er, Imperial Physician Fang came just now, why did you let him go?"

Shangguan Nuo smiled and said: "It's nothing, with this medicine, he is no longer needed, besides, didn't Dad always dislike that imperial physician?"

Liao said: "That's right, don't talk about your father, I don't like this imperial doctor very much either, I always think he is weird, giving people a gloomy feeling, he is obviously smiling, but it seems that there is a knife hidden in his smile .”

Shangguan Nuo said: "Since you don't like him, don't invite him here again. There are many other imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital. Now that Dad has taken the Bodhi Pill, he only needs to take good care of him to recover from his illness."

Liao nodded with a smile: "This time, it's thanks to you and Guanshi Cui. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

Shangguan Tuo drank the medicine in one gulp, and his sanity gradually recovered. He looked at his wife and son in front of him, and hurriedly asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

Seeing him wake up, Liao's eyes turned red immediately, and he choked up and said, "Master Hou, you've been sleeping for three whole days, and you scared us to death. I thought, I thought—"

Shangguan Tuo widened his eyes and said, "Think I can't survive? Won't I wake up?"

Mrs. Liao hurriedly said: "No, no, Lord Hou is blessed by God, how could he not survive or wake up?"

"Father, how do you feel now?" Shangguan Nuo stepped forward to rescue his mother.

Shangguan Tuo took a deep breath. The pain in his chest before was no longer felt at all, and his breathing became much smoother. This feeling is really wonderful.

"I feel fine, what medicine did you give me?"

Mrs. Liao hurriedly said, "It's thanks to Nuo'er this time. He and Cui Guanshi found out the news that the Bodhi Pill was going to be auctioned in the capital, and it took a lot of effort to get the Bodhi Pill, otherwise—"

Needless to say what happened next, Shangguantuo could understand that the pain before the coma was still fresh in his memory. He thought he would never wake up again, but unexpectedly, Shangguantuo would never stop.

(End of this chapter)

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