Chapter 1499
Chapter 1515

This is the so-called fate, fate destined him to live for a long time, sit on the supreme throne, and let the surname Shangguan become great in the Chu Dynasty.

Let them go to the official family, and they will live forever.

He tossed off the thin quilt and said, "Quickly ask Guanshi Cui to come in, I have something to say." The emperor drank the special medicine he ordered, and he didn't know what's going on now, three days had passed, the palace should be in chaos Alright.

He wanted to lift his legs out of the bed, but he was horrified to find that his two legs seemed to have been cut off by life, and from the waist down, he didn't feel the slightest bit, not at all.

"What's going on, what's going on here?" He beat his leg desperately, but couldn't feel any pain.

Liao hurriedly grabbed his hand and asked urgently, "Master Hou, what's wrong with you, Master Hou?"

"My leg, my leg—" he yelled in horror, which was more desperate and frightening than the chest pain attack.

Shangguan Nuo also panicked, and hurried forward to check, but no matter how he fiddled with it, his father's legs did not respond.

"What's going on here? What's going on here? Didn't you say that Bodhi Pill is a magic medicine? Why is my leg disabled? Why is this?" Shangguan Tuo roared frantically, venting his anger on Liao Shi and Shangguan Nuo.

Sun Liuliu, Shangguan Yu'er and others who had just entered the room were also taken aback, not knowing what happened.

"Hurry up, call the imperial physician." Liao called.

Shangguan Nuo turned his head to Cui Guanshi and said, "You send someone to chase Boss Song back, and you must chase him back." If the efficacy of the Bodhi Pill is as magical as the rumors say, how could Dad's legs become what they are now? ?Could it be that there is something wrong with Nathan?

Because they bought and sold by force and angered Boss Song, so he tampered with the pill?

These are just his guesses, and the truth can only be known when Boss Song is brought back.

He thought of reading the text, with her medical skills, she must be able to know what is going on with her father.

He turned his head to search for the figure of Nian Wen in the crowd, but he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked.

Shangguan Yuer said: "Brother, are you looking for Xiaoguan?"

Shangguan Nuo nodded quickly: "Yes, where is she?"

Shangguan Yu'er pointed to the door and said, "He just left, he should have returned to Mu Cangju."

As soon as Shangguan Nuo heard this, he rushed out the door and ran all the way towards Mu Cangju. Halfway there, he saw Zheng Nianwen sitting by the lotus pond in the garden, staring at the red carp swimming in the water in a daze.

He rushed forward and grabbed her arm: "Wen'er, please, save my father."

He didn't move while reading the text, his eyes were still fixed on the red carp on the water, maybe he was used to it, but they didn't feel scared at all about the noisy humans, they still swam happily in the water.

How good it is to be a fish, carefree.

"Your father has eaten Bodhi Pill, do you still need me to save him?" Her face was indifferent, she didn't look at him, and her figure didn't move at all.

Shangguan Nuo was very anxious, and didn't care about the many things, so he hurriedly said: "After my father took the Bodhi Dan, although he woke up, his mind gradually became clear, but his legs, his legs suddenly couldn't move, you are a doctor , you must know what's going on, right?"

Nian Wen shook his head: "I'm a doctor, not a god. How would I know what's going on? I don't know anything about your father's illness. You're asking the wrong person."

(End of this chapter)

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