Chapter 1501
Chapter 1517

Liang Zhangyuan silently wiped off his sweat, and first made a careful examination. After all, he is the head of the hospital, and his medical skills are also very exquisite. He found that although Shangguan Tuo's old chest pain had healed, his tendons, There is a very strange stagnation like.

It's not like it was caused by practicing qigong or getting sick, but it's a bit like man-made or poisoned. He can't jump to conclusions about what happened.

"How is it?" Seeing him frowning and not saying a word, Shangguan Tuo hurriedly asked.

Liang Zhangyuan said: "Master Hou, what have you eaten these past few days?"

Shangguan Tuo has been in a coma, he didn't know what he ate, so he turned to look at his wife: "What did you eat? Tell him."

Liao said: "Ever since Master Hou fell into a coma, he hasn't eaten anything. Today, after taking Bodhi Dan, he fed some ginseng soup and nothing else."

Liang Zhangyuan asked: "Where is the ginseng soup? Can I have a look?"

Liao asked the girl beside her to fetch a small bowl of ginseng soup from the table, and there was still half a bowl left in the bowl.

After careful inspection, Liang Zhangyuan said: "There is nothing wrong with this ginseng soup. From this point of view, it must be the problem with the Bodhi Pill."

Shangguan Tuo looked at Shangguan Nuo, and asked anxiously, "Did Boss Song catch him?"

Shangguan Nuo shook his head: "Not yet. He took the money and left the capital. I don't know which way he took. I have already dispatched enough people. I think there will be news soon."

Shangguan Tuo punched the edge of the bed, and said angrily: "If it's really that person's fault, I will let him die without a whole body."

Liang Zhangyuan asked: "This Bodhi Pill is a very precious and rare elixir. Why did Boss Song play tricks on the elixir?"

It was inconvenient to tell the outside world at this time, but it seemed that there was no need to keep the matter secret at this point.

Shangguan Nuo sighed, and said: "At that time, the Bodhi Pill was auctioned by Citigroup, and I took all the wealth of the Shangguan family, but I still didn't make it to the end. In order to save my father, I had to use some means to force that Boss Song sold the Bodhi Pill to me at a price lower than the auction price, maybe he was dissatisfied with this matter, so he tampered with the Dan."

So, it’s no wonder that Bodhi Pill has only been released for 30 years. He wanted to make a lot of money and return to China, but let Shangguan Nuo ruin his good deeds and make him lose a lot of money.

Liao didn't want to discuss this, she just wanted to know if her husband's leg could be healed: "Master Liang, can the leg of Lord Hou be healed?"

Liang Zhangyuan said: "Master Hou's poison is very strange, it is not the poison of our Chu Dynasty. If you want to detoxify, you need to know what the poison of Master Hou is, so that you can prescribe the right medicine."

The anger in Shangguan Tuo's heart was faintly showing a tendency to explode: "If you can't catch Boss Song, you will be helpless?"

Sweat was dripping from the forehead of Liang Zhangyuan. He wanted to say yes, but he didn't dare, so he could only keep silent.

Shangguan Tuo was furious, he reached out his hand and grabbed the teacups on the table in front of the bed, and slammed it at shopkeeper Liang.

The porcelain cup containing hot tea hit Zhongliang Zhangyuan's forehead, making a gash in that forehead, and blood mixed with tea flowed over half of his face.

Liang Zhangyuan hurriedly knelt down and whispered for forgiveness.

But what is he guilty of?

He is just a doctor, not a god. There are thousands of diseases in the world, and there will always be times when a doctor is powerless. If the disease cannot be cured, is it a sin?
"Useless trash, how dare you call yourself an imperial physician? What's the use of keeping you trash who can't even cure your illness?" Shangguan Tuo roared.

(End of this chapter)

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