Chapter 1502 Retribution
Chapter 1518

Liang Zhangyuan fell down on the ground, trembling slightly, feeling that his doom seemed to come.

He has practiced medicine for dozens of years, whether he was in the private sector or later in the imperial hospital, he climbed up step by step from a small imperial doctor to the position of the head of the hospital. During this time, he suffered a lot of grievances and was suppressed and excluded. She has suffered the harem master's eyes, ridiculed and ridiculed before, but this is the first time that she has experienced such humiliation and violence today.

This was also the first time Shangguan Tuo showed his cruel nature in front of his son.

Shangguan Nuo looked at his father in surprise. Is this tyrannical man really his father?
Thinking of when he was in Dongli, he stood outside the study and heard the voice of his grandfather's tragic death. He knew that his father killed his grandfather, but he always attributed it to an accident. He thought that although his father was wrong, he did not He didn't intend to kill his grandfather on purpose, it was an accident, a mistake, and he didn't really want to kill his grandfather.

But today, he suddenly felt that he was wrong. Maybe that accident was not an accident at all. The father in front of him was really his true face.

If one day he really sits on the throne of the emperor, orders the monarchs and ministers, and holds the power of life and death of the people, will he become a tyrant?
Cui Guanshi hurried in and said to Shangguan, "My lord, Boss Song ran away. Our people caught up with his caravan, but found that it was a fake caravan. In order to deceive people, all of them were hired from the city. The real Boss Song and his people are all missing."

Shangguan Nuo let out a sigh of relief, he couldn't tell what his psychology was when he heard the news.

Shangguan Tuo on the side said angrily: "Waste, immediately send people to block all waterways. If they want to go back to the country, they can only go by waterway."

Cui Guanshi said: "Today, all the boats on the canal have left and cannot be sealed."

"Can't seal it? Then send a letter to Xijiang immediately and send people to guard the western border. They have 40 taels of gold notes. If they are not exchanged for gold and goods, they will be a pile of waste paper when they are brought back home. Tell the people over there People, as long as you see someone who claims to be a traveling merchant with a large amount of goods, all of them will be detained and questioned, and this person must be found."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it now." Steward Cui left in a hurry.

Shangguan Nuo didn't say a word, but he hoped that Boss Song would leave Chu Chao as soon as possible, so that he wouldn't be caught by Cui's manager.

As long as the father's legs are not good, he will not be able to attend court affairs for a day, then those innocent people will not be harmed by Mo Ming.

Nianwen spread the news from Shangguan's mansion into the palace, Chu Tianqi heard about it, and said that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, no matter how hard you try, you can't resist the trick of fate.

Wan Kun laughed and said, "It seems that without our action, he will collapse by himself."

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "No, he won't collapse. With his obsession and attachment to power, even if he has two legs paralyzed now, he will not give up everything he has gained so hard. I guess, he As long as his mind is still clear, he will definitely enter the palace, see my situation with his own eyes, and prepare for the next thing, even if he does not ascend the throne himself, he will let his son sit on this seat."

Thinking of his mother who was seriously ill, Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen whose whereabouts were unknown, Wan Kun gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's wait and see, I want to see who can have the last laugh."

(End of this chapter)

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