Chapter 1503 Tianhu wakes up
Chapter 1519

Xijiang, Xiyuan Town.

Dina was cleaning Tianhu's face, watching her husband's haggard face getting better day by day, but she just didn't wake up. She was so anxious that she stayed by his side day and night, talking to him constantly, talking about the years they had been together The funny things when we were together, trying to wake up his sleeping will, this is what Rong Yue wants her to do.

Qi Rongyue said that today's Tianhu is basically in good health, and what is sleeping is his will. He may not even realize that he is falling into a deep sleep. If he only sleeps for a day or two, that's all. The longer it takes, the less beneficial it will be to Tianhu's body, and it will even bring many unpredictable consequences.

It has been nine days, and since he was completely detoxified, he has been sleeping for nine days.

These nine days, to her, are like nine years, or even a lifetime, and every moment makes her feel very difficult.

If it weren't for the fact that she had her children by her side, she really didn't know if she would be able to survive.

"Ma'am, you go to have a rest, this servant will guard Lord Hou for you." Xiao He said to Dina.

Dina was indeed tired, physically and mentally exhausted. She stood up with one hand on the edge of the bed, and handed the handkerchief in her hand to Xiao He, "Hold me for a while, I'll go outside to get some air." She just walked a few steps outside Before the person reached the door, Xiao He screamed: "Madam, Madam, come quickly."

Dina was startled, and hurriedly turned around and ran to the bed: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Xiao He pointed to Master Hou's hand placed on the quilt, "Master Hou is moving, Master Hou is moving."

Dina took a closer look, and as Xiao He said, Master Hou's fingers were moving, and the eyelashes on his eyelids were trembling slightly, as if he was trying hard to wake up.

She rushed to the bed, tightly grasping Tianhu's palm: "Master Hou, are you awake?"

Tianhu didn't respond to him, and her eyes never opened, but she could feel his vitality slowly coming back.

"Quick, go and invite Mrs. Guan."

Xiao He responded, and ran out quickly, and invited Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen over after a while.

Without saying a word, Qi Rongyue rushed directly to Tianhu's bed, grabbed Tianhu's wrist pulse, the pulse was steady and fast, and the blood energy seemed to be rising and fast, which was indeed a sign of waking up.

Dina asked, "Master Hou, what's wrong with him? Is he going to wake up?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "That's right, Tianhu is about to wake up, but he seems to be in trouble, you step back first, I will help him."

Dina backed away according to her words, only to see Qi Rongyue took out the needle bag, pulled out two silver needles, one pierced Tianhu's Renzhong acupoint, and the other directly pierced Baihui acupoint.

After a while, she first pulled out the silver needle at Baihui acupoint, and waited for a while before pulling out the silver needle at Renzhong acupoint.

As soon as the silver needle was pulled out, Tianhu's tightly closed eyes opened. He kept panting heavily, staring at the green gauze curtain above his head, and it took him a while to regain his senses.

"Tianhu, do you know who I am?" Rong Yue stretched out her hand and waved in front of his eyes, seeing his eyes responding, her heart was half relieved.

Tianhu looked at Qi Rongyue in front of him, with a puzzled look on his face: "Princess? Why are you here?"

"Not only her, but also me." Zheng Zhongwen stepped forward in two steps and stood beside Qi Rongyue.

Tianhu struggled to sit up, his body was limp and weak, and his wife's face was full of tears, he suddenly understood that everything that happened in the dream was not Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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