Chapter 1505

Chapter 1521

Zheng Zhongwen said again: "It's useless for you to be anxious. You have to prepare food and grass for the army and horses. It will take three days at the earliest before you can leave. For these three days, you will take good care of me. Don't be brave."

Dina hurriedly said: "That's right, Lord Hou, what the prince said is correct. If you want to do great things, you must first take care of your body, otherwise you will not be able to do anything."

Tianhu looked at Dina and saw that she was haggard, the tears on her face were still red, and her eyes were red. He felt very guilty, and stretched out his hand to pull Dina to his side: "Ma'am, I have suffered for you for a while."

Dina's tears rolled down again, crying and laughing at the same time: "Master Hou, what nonsense are you talking about? I am your wife, shouldn't it be right to take care of you when you are sick?"

Tianhu nodded, patted the back of her hand, secretly thankful for his decision back then, and also glad that he was not confused by those women who wanted to squeeze into his backyard these years. He has always treated Dina wholeheartedly. Na also treats him wholeheartedly, which is very good, really good.

Since ancient times, how many princes and generals fell ill. When they were glorious, their wives and concubines were cold, and there were flocks of Yingyans in the courtyard, enjoying the blessings of equal people, and living a happy life. But once these princes and generals fell seriously ill , Who is the person who sincerely serves by his side and sincerely hopes for his betterment?
A wife who has been neglected for many years?Is it a concubine who only knows how to please men, but doesn't have any opinions, means or power?Or those children who have tasted the bitter fruit in the struggle between the concubine and the concubines?

No one cares about whether those princes and generals can get up, they only care about what and how much they can get in this family if the man dies.

Because they haven't given their sincerity to women, they can't get a corresponding amount of true love.

"I've heard everything you whispered in my ear these days, and I've heard everything. Don't go back on the promise you made."

Dina was taken aback. She had said a lot in his ear these days, and she didn't know which one he was talking about.

Qi Rongyue smiled lightly, and pulled Zheng Zhongwen out, "Let's go, if we stay, some people will dislike us as an eyesore."

Xiao He closed the door outside, leaving only Tianhu and Dina in the room.

He hugged Dina into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, felt her shoulders were still trembling slightly, and couldn't help but feel distressed: "Why are you crying again? Am I okay? In a few days, I will be able to live like before, and then it will be time for you to fulfill your promise."

Dina was still puzzled. She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked up at Tianhu: "What are you talking about? What promise?"

Tianhu snorted softly: "Don't think about it. Although I was in a coma at the time, I could hear clearly. You said that as soon as I wake up, give me a big fat son immediately. You must not go back on your word."

A red cloud immediately appeared on Dina's pale and haggard face, she stretched out her hand and pushed Tianhu, and said angrily, "How old are you? What nonsense are you talking about? How can anyone give birth at my age?"

Tianhu raised his eyebrows and said: "Why not? Have you forgotten? Didn't there be a mother Liu in our house the year before last, who was in her 40s and gave birth to a fat son? How old are you, not even [-] years old?" , why can't you give birth?"

Dina was so ashamed that she really said this. She always wanted to have a baby in her heart, but she just didn't get pregnant. In addition, Tianhu often stayed in the military camp, so the couple's life became less and less. thing, it has never been realized.

(End of this chapter)

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