Chapter 1506

Chapter 1522

The old couple were discussing the matter of having a baby in the house, and Yuan Bao had already arrived outside, and Qi Rongyue dragged her to the gazebo in the garden. After dismissing the servants around, the three of them discussed in secret for a long time without waiting for Yuan Bao to see it With a glance at Tianhu, he immediately sent him back to the camp to prepare, lest he rush into the house on the spot and disturb the rare sweetness of the old couple.

three days later

The five thousand black cavalry troops were ready, and Tianhu's body was in a similar state of well-being. For the past three days, he had been taking the great tonic pills given by Qi Rongyue, coupled with the needling to clear the veins, and the true energy in his body had flowed smoothly as usual. He just wanted to step over to the capital, fight with that Shangguan Tuo, and tear him apart to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Before leaving, Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen used the contact point in Xiyuan Town to send a secret letter to the Shangguan Mansion in the capital, informing them that they had successfully intercepted Boss Song, and sent people to the capital to escort him immediately.

After the letter was sent out, they immediately strangled all the rebels in front of them, leaving no one behind. They must not show mercy to these people. Once they leave Xiyuan Town, these rebels will immediately report what they have done Entering Beijing will be very detrimental to them.

Tianhu arranged Dina and her children in a mansion that no one knew about. There were only a few housekeepers left in the tiger garden, so as not to implicate Dina and the others if something happened to them when they entered Beijing.

When parting, the tears from his wife, daughter and son made him feel very distressed. As a general, he shouldn't have such worries. This will become his greatest weakness, but as a person, he doesn't even have this concern. Then what is the point of what this person does?
Zhengzhou was also left behind, staying with Dina, the road to Beijing is dangerous, Zhengzhou is still young, he can't help much, if something happens to them in the capital, if they keep him, at least it will be considered as a gift to the Zheng family He left a line of incense with the Chu family.

Some of the older members of the five thousand black cavalry have already retired, and they will be replaced by young generals. All of them are one against ten. They are all selected by Tianhu himself. In their hearts, only the emperor and Tianhu can fight against each other. It is the people who are qualified and able to command them.

Tianhu led [-] black cavalry troops, Yuanbao led [-] troops, Zheng Zhongwen and Rong Yue led [-] troops, and the four of them disguised themselves as ordinary generals and headed north with forged secret letters.


Chu Palace
"Your Majesty, this is an urgent report from Longxi." Wan Kun hurried into the back hall of the Palace of Imperial Harmony, and handed the urgent report in front of Chu Tianqi.

Chu Tianqi has not been to court for three days, nor has he gone to the front hall to look at the scriptures. In these three days, except for secretly changing clothes and going out to arrange secretly, he has been staying in the bedroom hall, at least in the eyes and ears of the Shangguan family.

Chu Tianqi quickly scanned the urgent report in his hand, and his face was overjoyed: "Okay, okay! Zhou Jiao is really efficient in handling things, and the arrangement is done so quickly."

Wan Kun said: "Tomorrow you don't have to go to court, this matter will definitely reach Shangguan Tuo's ears, he is a military commander, so he naturally knows what to do, if he refuses to send a general because he has doubts about this matter If he goes to war, he can't afford the consequences, so no matter whether he doubts the authenticity of this matter or not, he will send generals to Longxi to lead the battle in front of all civil and military officials."

Chu Tianqi said with a smile: "That's right, even if he doubts this, he can only send generals without proof, and he dare not delay. He can't taste the fruit of destroying the country."

(End of this chapter)

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