Chapter 1508

Chapter 1524

He didn't want to turn against his son in front of his officials, and he didn't want to embarrass his son in front of outsiders. Anyway, he was also his son, the only direct bloodline of the Shangguan family, and the child he valued and loved the most.

He has many concubines, many concubines and concubines, but the only son he cares about and loves is Nuo'er. All his hopes are placed on Nuo'er alone.

So, no matter what, he will make Nuoer change his mind and stop being ignorant.

"Back off." He raised his eyebrows, glanced coldly at Shangguan Nuo, and ordered him to back away.

Shangguan Nuo refused, he stubbornly shook his head: "No, I will stay by your side until the next court."

Shangguan Tuo resisted the urge to reach out and give him a slap in the face, this rebellious son is really getting bolder.

His chest kept rising and falling, and he exhausted all his self-control to suppress his anger. Well, today is his mistake, he shouldn't bring this traitor here, anyway, the court is not only for this day, but also for tomorrow, endlessly tomorrow.

Because the emperor had not come, all the ministers did not kowtow and kneel, and dozens of eyes all fell on Shangguan Tuo and his son. The hall is spacious, although there are dozens of people standing, they are still the same as those below the jade steps. There was a certain distance between Shangguantuo, no one could hear the argument between the father and son, but they could see the expressions on their faces, both of them were not quite right.

Master Liu, Minister of the Ministry of War, saw that the father and son had calmed down and stopped whispering, so he took a step from the group of officials and stood in the center of the hall. Ordinary government affairs can be put on hold for a few days, but here is an urgent matter that cannot be delayed for even a day, so I ask the Marquis to make a decision."

Shangguan Tuo frowned, and asked Master Liu, "Are you talking about the Battle of Nanwei?"

Master Liu shook his head: "It wasn't the battle of Nanwei. The situation in Nanwei has been brought under control, and no large-scale fierce battle has occurred. It should be that after seeing the strong military strength of our Great Chu Dynasty, they retreated after hearing the wind."

Shangguan Tuo was quite proud of hearing that there are very few people who are surrounded by all directions and can beat Da Chu. He asked, "Then where is the emergency battle at the border you are talking about?"

Master Liu said: "Yesterday I received an urgent report from Longxi that the Zhou Dynasty's 15 troops were overwhelming the border. The commander in chief is the apprentice of the late Princess Huguo. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Jiao, threatened to avenge his master and destroy the Longxi frontier defense. Go straight to Kyoto, at this time the two armies have begun to confront each other, but the commander-in-chief of the 20 troops in Longxi was originally the late side-by-side king Zheng Zhongwen, and now Zheng Zhongwen is no longer there. Raise my great Chu country."

Shangguan Tuo frowned deeply, he was different from Master Liu, he thought more, the battle of Chu Lian's defeat was still in front of him, Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen used this strategy to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and captured the reserve of the 20 troops in Longxi and lay the foundation stone for them to regain the imperial power.

What if it was the same trick this time?

"Master Hou, this matter is of great importance. You can't hesitate any longer. You should make a decision immediately. Otherwise, if Longxi falls, the consequences will be disastrous." Lord Liu was a little anxious. He can't make any mistakes in the two major events, otherwise, he will definitely not be able to keep his black hat.

Shangguan Tuo raised his eyes to look at him, and murmured in his heart, this Liu Shangshu, is he not out of his mind?To force him to make a decision in front of the officials?

(End of this chapter)

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