Chapter 1509

Chapter 1525

"Liu Shangshu, do you remember that when Chu Lian was in power, Zheng Guogong led an army of 20 and confronted Zhou An at the border of Longxi for [-] days, but they never went to war." Shangguan Tuo stared at Liu Shangshu with sharp eyes , I hope he can understand what he means.

But Liu Shangshu was stunned because he didn't understand it. In addition, he didn't know much about what happened when Chu Lian was in power, so he didn't get any inspiration from Shangguantuo's words. He only aggravated the urgency in his heart. At that time, Zheng Guogong commanded the three armies, and his reputation spread far and wide. Naturally, the army of the Zhou Dynasty did not dare to act rashly, but now, Zheng Guogong is no longer alive. Good generals lead the battle, once the Zhou army launches an attack, although our dynasty has twenty troops, it may not be the opponent of the Zhou army's 15 troops!"

Among the hundred officials, some were old and had been immersed in the officialdom for a long time. When Shangguan Tuo first raised a question, he knew what was on Shangguan Tuo's mind and what he was worried about. The funny thing is that Shangguan Tuo appointed him personally. Liu Shangshu, his running dog, couldn't understand the meaning of his words.

Many of the officials knew all about what happened back then, and Shangguan Tuo repeated the old saying at this time, apparently doubting the Zhou Dynasty's violation of the border, but Liu Shangshu's ignorance made Shangguan Tuo difficult to get off.

In front of all the officials, if he refuses to appoint a general, once the border is broken, he will be the first to bring disaster to the country and the people. He cannot escape this crime.

Shangguan Tuo was furious, but Liu Shangshu couldn't see it.

Shangguan Nuo took the opportunity to add fuel to Liu Shangshu's anger. He said loudly: "Father, the border is in an emergency. This is a good opportunity. If you hesitate any longer, the good opportunity will be fleeting. Once the border is broken, you will be—— "

"You don't need to remind me, I have my own measure." Shangguan Tuo glared at his son angrily, already in an embarrassing situation, he actually added fuel to the fire.

Shangguan Nuo smiled slightly and said nothing more.

Shangguan Tuo weighed things up and down, and finally made up his mind. His eyes wandered among the officials, and finally fell on General Hu whom he trusted very much.

General Hu had no close friendship with him. When he accidentally learned that the eldest son of General Hu was secretly killed by Chu Tianqi, he knew that the opportunity to make friends with him had come. After several secret communication, the two finally got on the same boat. Well, General Hu did a lot of things for him in the capital, which made him succeed in the future. The relationship between the two is naturally closer than those who turned against the wind.

"General Hu, are you willing to go to Longxi in person to stabilize the border for our Great Chu Dynasty?"

When General Hu met his gaze, he knew that he would make such a decision, and he was also secretly happy. If he returned with meritorious service this time, he would be able to be a prince or a prince at least, and the Hu family would really flourish from now on. up.

"The subordinates are willing to throw their heads and sprinkle blood for me to stabilize the border area, and I will never return!" General Hu knelt down on one knee and saluted Shangguantuo respectfully.

On the main hall, he openly performed this great gift to Shangguan Tuo, and no one would not understand the meaning of this.

"Okay, General Hu is really a pillar of my dynasty. The day you win and return to the court will be the day you will be named a marquis." Shangguan Tuo's generous promise seems to be in his pocket, and his official career and destiny will be fulfilled. follow his heart.

"Thank you, Lord Hou!" General Hu's mood became more and more excited. Before, it was just a guess, but now, it is a real promise. If not for the presence of hundreds of officials at this time, he would definitely change his name to the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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