Chapter 1510

Chapter 1526

Shangguan Tuo waved at General Hu, signaling him to come forward and speak.

General Hu bowed his head and put his head close to his ear so that Shangguan Tuo could whisper in his ear.

Shangguan Tuo said: "I suspect that the mutiny in Longxi was fraudulent, you must be more careful during this trip, don't trust others, sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true."

General Hu understood Shangguantuo's worries, as the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

He even hoped that the mutiny in Longxi was fraudulent. In this way, even if he went to Longxi, he would not have to go to the battlefield. It was just a show, and he would not lose anything. When he returned to Beijing, Hou Wei would still not be able to escape.

"This subordinate understands, thank you Lord Hou for caring."

Shangguan Tuo put the soldier talisman into General Hu's hand with his own hands. General Hu regarded it as a treasure and hid it close to his body, but he didn't know that this treasure soldier talisman was also a life-threatening talisman.

After coming down to court, Shangguan Tuo didn't go back in a hurry, but had someone push him to the Palace of Imperial Harmony.

At this time, the gate of the Palace of Imperial Harmony was tightly closed, and Shangguan Tuo asked the eunuch guarding the gate, "What gate is closed in broad daylight?"

The eunuch bowed his head and said nothing, just shook his head.

Shangguan Tuo asked again: "Is the emperor here?"

Then the eunuch said: "Go back to Lord Hou, the emperor rests in the inner hall."

"Oh? Resting? The emperor has not been in court for several days, but he is not feeling well?"

The eunuch shook his head quickly: "I don't know."

Shangguan Tuo snorted coldly, wondering if this little eunuch is new here?Looking at Mian Sheng, he asked again and again, where did the people sent from the former mansion go?

At this time Wan Kun came over with a tea tray, and seeing Shangguan Tuo questioning outside the hall, he hurried forward to salute Shangguan Tuo.

Finally seeing a familiar face, Shangguan Tuo waved to him: "Come here."

Wan Kun passed the tea tray in his hand to the hand of the little eunuch beside him, and quickly came to Shangguan Tuo: "Your Majesty, have you ordered?"

Shangguan Tuo waved at him again, motioning him to bow his head.

Wan Kun imitated General Hu, bowed his head and listened to him, with a flattering smile on his face.

"How is the emperor now?"

Wan Kun smiled and said: "Don't worry, Lord Hou, the emperor no longer recognizes anyone. He has been going crazy in the palace all day long, hurting countless people, and he can't even get close to the imperial doctor. No, the eunuchs and guards in the palace have changed several times. They were all injured by the emperor."

Shangguan Tuo was in a good mood when he heard that, and immediately said, "Push me to have a look."

Wan Kun hurriedly waved his hand: "You can't do it, the emperor doesn't know people clearly now, and he will smash people when he sees them. If you go, I'm afraid it will be dangerous, so you'd better be careful."

Shangguan Tuo shook his head, "No, I have to see it with my own eyes, and send a few more guards in front to block it."

Wan Kun nodded: "If that's the case, the villain will arrange it now."

A moment later, the gate of the Palace of Imperial Harmony opened, and Shangguan Tuo was pushed into the Hall of Imperial Harmony, straight into the apse.

A sound of porcelain shattering came from the closed door of the bedroom, and there were screams from the maids. Before Wan Kun could open the door, the door opened by itself, and two maids with bloody heads rushed in. Come out and run away crying.

Shangguan Tuole was stunned, he only knew that this medicine could make people tranced, but he didn't expect it to be so tranced.

This is not a trance, the wrong classification is confusion, ha ha ha ha - just what he wants! !

Wan Kun stepped forward to push the door, and just halfway through the door, a blue and white porcelain cup flew out, brushed Wan Kun's face, and almost hit him in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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