Chapter 1511

Chapter 1527

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tianqi rushed out with disheveled hair. He was holding a greasy chicken leg in one hand, and the other hand was still bleeding bright red. He was chewing the chicken. Shangguan Tuo grinned, "I know you, I know your name, your name—what's your name, what's your name?" He shook his head: "Oh, I can't remember, but I must know you, Do you want to eat chicken legs? It's delicious and delicious!" He held up the chicken legs and walked towards Shangguantuo.

The guard standing aside quickly stopped in front of Shangguan Tuo, blocking Chu Tianqi's way.

Chu Tianqi frowned: "What are you doing? Why are you blocking me, go away, go away!"

No matter how much Chu Tianqi beat and scolded, the guards were all motionless, Shangguan Tuo was always watching Chu Tianqi in the gaps. At this time, Chu Tianqi's appearance was just like Mr. Cheng said, he was already crazy and he couldn't recognize people clearly , unconscious.

Shangguan Tuo said: "Let's go, go back to the mansion."

He was quite proud of himself, the real Chu Tianqi was no longer alive, and the fake Chu Tianqi was insane again, this Chu Dynasty would soon be his possession.

Shangguan Tuo was surrounded and left the Palace of Imperial Harmony, while Chu Tianqi, who was pushed to the ground by the guards, was ignored. It was not until Shangguan Tuo's figure had completely disappeared that Wan Kun helped Chu Tianqi up from the ground.

"Your Majesty, they have already left." Wan Kun said in a low voice.

Chu Tianqi nodded: "Go ahead and talk about it."

Wan Kun helped Chu Tianqi into the hall and closed the door.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" Wan Kun supported Chu Tianqi to sit down, took out the medicine box and bandaged the wound on his palm.

Chu Tianqi had already thrown away the chicken leg in his hand, but the oil in his palm was still sticky. He shook his head lightly: "I'm fine, it's just a little bit of skin. Acting, I've been good at it since I was a child."

A simple sentence, but the heart is full of sadness. Since he was ten years old, he witnessed the tragic death of his father, mother and sister, and watched his enemies go unpunished. As a prince and an emperor, he was powerless. He doesn't even have the ability to speak for his parents and sister.

In order to live and have a chance to take revenge, he often acted in the palace and acted ignorant and pitiful in front of Chu Lian. He was really familiar with such things.

Today, history seems to be repeating itself. This time, he must rely on his own power to distort the situation and make Shangguantuo's wishful thinking come to nothing.

"How is the court today?" Chu Tianqi asked.

Wan Kun bandaged the wound for him, took a wet cloth to wipe off the oil on his face and hands, and then said in a low voice: "As we expected, even though Shangguan Tuo had doubts, he still didn't hesitate. Dare to put it aside."

"Who did you send?" Chu Tianqi asked anxiously.

Wan Kun said, "Hu Datong."

A smile finally appeared on Chu Tianqi's gloomy face: "It really is him, very good."

It wasn't until recently that he realized that at least half of the credit for Shangguan Tuo's ability to suppress hundreds of officials in the capital city was due to Hu Datong.

"When are we leaving?" Chu Tianqi asked.

Wan Kun replied: "Leaving at noon today, I have sent a letter to King Jin and Nianwen."


In the farm outside the city, after Min Hengzhi received the letter, he and Zheng Nianwen immediately ambushed at a mountain pass. Just in case, they took Luo Ji with them and hid her in a secret place, where people could see all directions. , but it is extremely difficult for people from all directions to discover her existence.

(End of this chapter)

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