Chapter 1512

Chapter 1528

General Hu is an extremely cautious person, he will not go alone to Longxi this trip, if he brings a dozen or twenty bodyguards with him, that's all. With the skills of Min Hengzhi and Zheng Nianwen, it is not difficult to kill them.

Just be afraid, if they bring a team of hundreds of people, they may not be able to kill them all in a short time, let alone take them all with just two people, as long as one person escapes, the matter will be revealed , so Luo Ji is their last guarantee.

When it was difficult for them to deal with it, Luo Ji's magic voice came together, not to mention a hundred people, even if it was a thousand people, they could only catch them without a fight.

At three moments later, General Hu was ordered by Shangguan Tuo to deploy 500 soldiers in the city defense battalion, plus more than [-] of his own elite guards and close body guards, a total of more than [-] people.

A group of people went out of the city in a mighty manner, riding five hundred light horses on fast horses, dust was flying everywhere they passed.

At a mountain pass with few people, General Hu suddenly raised his hand to signal the people behind him to stop.

"General, what's the matter?" Deputy General Xu stepped forward and asked.

Hu Datong is very cautious in his daily activities, and he likes to observe things from the subtleties. This mountain pass looks very ordinary and nothing special, but he is as careful as he, and still sees some man-made traces on the side of the road.

The ground not far ahead has traces of freshly turned dirt, which might not be uncommon in other places, but this road, except for the horses and carriages traveling far, has almost no pedestrians, so how could there be freshly turned dirt? Mark of?
"You, go and have a look." Hu Datong pointed to the little soldier beside him.

Xiaobing immediately got off his horse, went to the side of the dirt and pulled it, and soon a thick rope was exposed under the dirt, and he immediately turned his head and shouted to Hu Datong: "General, there is a burial—"

Before he could say the word "ambush", a sharp arrow shot out through the wind and pierced directly at Hu Datong's chest.

Hu Datong has been a general for many years, and his skills are natural. He lay on his back and narrowly escaped the fatal arrow. .

Hu Datong drew out his sword, and shouted: "Who is it? If someone comes out to fight, why should you be a coward, what kind of hero is he?"

Zheng Nianwen curled his lips, thinking that I am not a hero in the first place, let alone a three-year-old child, so I will be provoked by your words of provocation?

Min Hengzhi sent a signal to Luo Ji, and the two put on the earplugs prepared in advance. Although they could not completely isolate the magic sound from entering their ears, as long as they were calm and determined, they would not be affected by it.

Hu Datong had seen the power of the magic sound before. He still remembered the battle more than ten years ago. Seeing the minds of the people around him start to lose consciousness, and he himself began to feel dizzy, he was horrified in his heart and dared not speak again. Due to the delay, he hit his horse and fled while his mind was uncertain.

A slender figure flew down from the forest, and the clear voice echoed in the valley: "I will leave these people to you, and I will deal with this Hu Datong."

A gleaming dagger was stuck into the neck of Hu Datong's mount, and blood spurted out. The horse galloped for a few steps and then fell down, throwing Hu Datong off the horse.

Hu Datong turned around with a knife in his hand, facing the slender boy.

"Zheng, Zheng Nianwen?" He looked terrified. Didn't he mean that Zheng's family members were all dead?how?What the hell is he now?

(End of this chapter)

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