Chapter 1514 Chu Family Army

Chapter 1530

Min Hengzhi didn't kill everyone. He had supervised the city defense battalion for a period of time and knew how the soldiers in the city defense battalion usually dressed. He killed Hu Datong's personal guards and personal guards, more than [-] people in total. Of the remaining [-] city defense battalion soldiers, he did not move any of them.

When the magic sound stopped, he stood in front of the Three Hundred City Defense Battalion and took off the black mask on his face. Not everyone in the Three Hundred City Defense Battalion knew him, but as long as one person knew him, that was enough.

"Are you the King of Jin?" A soldier standing at the front recognized Min Hengzhi. He was ordered to escort Diayin to Jincheng. He was fortunate enough to witness the demeanor of King Jin with his own eyes, and he still cannot forget him.

Min Hengzhi nodded: "That's right, I am Min Hengzhi, brothers, open your eyes and think about it with your hearts, is the court you are desperately defending now the same court as before?"

A group of soldiers were silent at first, and then began to whisper to each other. Min Hengzhi said again: "The emperor was plotted against by traitors, trapped in the deep palace, the power has fallen, and villains are in power. As ministers and soldiers, do you want to watch us helplessly?" The benevolent emperor was murdered by Shangguan Tuo, and Shangguan Tuo, a tyrannical person, will replace the emperor and rule the fate of the Chu Dynasty?"

"You all have families. Just imagine, once a brutal person like Shangguan Tuo dominates the fate of our court, what kind of life will the people live? Can your family escape the bad luck?"

A soldier was the first to ask, "Prince Jin, we are nothing more than tiny ants, what can we change?"

King Jin said: "Do you know why I didn't kill you today?"

"Because you are different from Hu Datong's lackeys. You are not from Hu Datong, nor from Shangguantuo. You are the Chu family army and our Dachu soldiers. What you should defend will always be The common people of Da Chu, instead of becoming Shangguan Tuo's lackeys and thugs."

The three hundred soldiers, most of them were young people, all had a passion to serve the motherland. They never wanted to be anyone's lackeys, but wanted to use their own strength to make a name for themselves in the army and honor their ancestors.

"King Jin is right. We cannot become running dogs and thugs of the Shangguan family. We are soldiers of Dachu. I want to protect the people of Dachu and our family."

"Yes, King Jin is right!"

Everyone's emotions gradually rose, and all the blood in their cavity was ignited.

"My lord, what should we do now?"

Seeing that everyone was persuaded by him, Min Hengzhi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't bear to kill these people, and it would be best if he could subdue them.

"There is no need for you to do anything right now. You find a quiet place and hibernate first. When we prepare everything, we will come to inform you. At that time, it is time for you to be loyal to the emperor and fulfill your responsibilities for the people." .”

The response was like thunder, and even a man of Min Hengzhi's age was also aroused to boil.

Zheng Nianwen came from a distance, and someone recognized her: "Isn't this the princess Changle who is shoulder to shoulder with the palace?"

"That's right, that's the Princess Changle. Back then, the Princess came to the patrol camp with the King and I met her."

Before Zheng Zhongwen's accident, the patrol battalion had been managed by Zheng Zhongwen himself, and he often ate and lived with all the soldiers in the camp. Zheng Zhongwen's prestige in the patrol battalion was extremely high, many times higher than that of Min Hengzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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