Chapter 1515

Chapter 1531

Min Hengzhi was a little worried before, fearing that among the 300 people, there would be a few people who pretended to obey, turned around and went to Beijing to file a complaint. Now that they recognized the text, they were all excited, and some even shed tears. He knew that these people , I sincerely admire Zheng Zhongwen, although Zheng Zhongwen is not in the camp, not in Beijing, even in the eyes of some people, Zheng Zhongwen is already a dead man, but in the hearts of these soldiers in front of him, he has always occupied a very important position.

Zheng Nianwen said: "Brothers, thank you for remembering my father and me, Zheng Nianwen, and thank you for standing on the side of righteousness."

"Princess, my lord, my lord, really—" A soldier wanted to ask with red eyes, but he couldn't ask that.

Zheng Nianwen shook his head: "Don't listen to the rumors, my father is not dead, he will come back soon, and fight side by side with us to drive out those evil forces."

The crowd cheered, the side-by-side king whom they respected and admired was indeed still alive, they were willing to obey the people sent by Shangguan Tuo before, but because of the rumor that the side-by-side king was dead, they became boneless worms and had to resign themselves to fate.

Now, their backbone is coming back again, even if it hasn't appeared in front of them yet, but they believe that, as the princess said, one day, the side-by-side king will come back and lead them again.

Under Min Hengzhi's arrangement, three hundred soldiers quickly cleaned up the bloody scene, found a hidden place, dug several large pits, and buried all the corpses.


"Master Hou, are you looking for me?" Cui Guanshi hurried to Shangguantuo's study room, there was no one else in the room except two of Shangguantuo's personal guards.

Shangguan Tuo frowned tightly, with a thoughtful look on his face, he raised his eyes to look at Cui Guanshi, and then waved his hands: "Sit down."

After the servants served tea and then retreated, Shangguan Tuo said, "What have you been doing lately? Do you often go out? Who do you meet with?"

Cui Guanshi said: "Master Hou, the son doesn't go out very often recently, he stays in the mansion all day, and he doesn't like to talk too much. It seems that he has something on his mind."

Shangguan Tuo snorted coldly: "Hmph - what can he have on his mind, he can only think about Zheng Nianwen, he doesn't look at what time it is, and he only cares about his own little relationship with his children. Fortunately, Zheng Nianwen is dead. Still alive, he might do something rebellious for her."

Steward Cui frowned, but stopped talking.

Shangguan Tuo glanced at him, and said in a low voice: "If you have something to say, just say it, what are you talking about?"

Cui Guanshi stood up and saluted Shangguan Tuo: "Master Hou, this subordinate suspects that Zheng Nianwen is not dead."

Shangguan Tuo's emotions immediately became agitated: "What did you say? Zheng Nianwen is not dead? Didn't you say that you already—"

Cui Guanshi shook his head: "That's what the prince said, do you think it's credible?"

Thinking of Nuoer's recent performance, it really doesn't look like she lost her beloved, except that she was a little restless and lost her soul these days, she really doesn't look like she lost her beloved woman.

"So, Nuo'er deliberately released fake news? Why did he do that?" Shangguan Tuo asked.

Steward Cui shook his head: "My subordinates don't know the specific situation. As for the fact that Zheng Nianwen is still alive, my subordinates are guessing and have no evidence."

Shangguan Tuo stared closely at Cui Guanshi's eyes: "I don't know you yet? If you really don't have any evidence, how can you say such a thing so easily."

PS: The new book of the shepherd boy, the miracle doctor and farmer girl: Mensao Husband can’t get enough to feed.

It has been serialized for free with [-] characters, and the wonderful plot is gradually unfolding. For those who like to read petting articles about farming, house fighting, genius doctors and cruel scumbags, you must bookmark and follow up articles.

 Introduction: What the hell?She turned from a great doctor of the 23rd century to a small peasant girl in a mountain village in another world!

  The grandmother is vicious and ruthless, and the aunt is mean and calculating. In order to have enough food and clothing for a day, she has no choice but to roll up her sleeves to do the work, plant the fields, cure the disease, and abuse the scum.

  What?Grandmother is short of money for medical treatment?Cousin has no money to marry?Cousin wants to borrow money to study?

  roll!As far as history goes, go as far as you can! !
  "My lady, I'm hungry—"

  "Husband, I feel that my body has been hollowed out, please let me go—"

  Husband turned out to be not Mensao, but really-sao-ah! ! !

  Readership: 276181845 counted as words)

(End of this chapter)

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