Chapter 1516 No Betrayal
Chapter 1532

Cui Guanshi hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Master Hou, this subordinate only recently learned that the prince often went to other gardens a while ago, and the subordinate didn't care at that time, only that the prince was bored and didn't want to see the concubine. , so I deliberately hid in the other garden, but I didn't check it out, until recently I saw a servant who came from the other garden, and asked casually to find out—"

Seeing that Cui Guanshi hesitated again, Shangguantuo was very impatient: "You said it, what's the point?"

Cui Guanshi sighed, and said in a deep voice: "The servant said that the prince arranged a few people to live in the other garden, so that they can take care of them, and they are not allowed to speak out."

Shangguan Tuo frowned, and asked in a cold voice: "Who is arranged to live in the other garden?"

"The subordinates have no way of knowing who it is, but according to the person-describing technique, I guess it is Jian Yun and Mr. Wan in all likelihood."

Before Shangguantuo got mad, Cui Guanshi went on to say: "In addition to Jian Yun and Mr. Wan, the servant said that there is also a young man who often follows Shizi and often goes to take care of him. He is very close to Jian Yun and his wife. And he heard Jian Yun calling him Wen'er by accident—it was a suspicion—"

"Do you suspect that this boy is Zheng Nianwen?" Shangguan Tuo's chest began to heave violently, and his anger surged up. His good son, his good son!
Seeing Master Hou's appearance, Cui Guanshi hurriedly persuaded him: "Master Hou, my son's heart was only softened for a while, and no irreparable losses have been caused. This is also the great fortune among misfortunes."

"Is this called no loss? Who is Zheng Nianwen? She is the daughter of Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue. She is not an ordinary little girl. She is good at literature and martial arts. If she wants to seek revenge from me, she will always find a chance. It's different from raising me a tiger that will eat me at any time, so there is no loss?"

Cui Guanshi said: "Master Hou, don't worry, the son is still young after all, and it's human nature to place too much emphasis on the relationship between a man and a woman. After all, he didn't betray you in the end, and he still stood by your side at the most critical moment. It’s good that we’re not on the wrong side in terms of big and small things.”

Shangguan Tuo's emotions gradually calmed down. He understood Cui Guanshi's intentions in saying these words. Now that his legs are in such a condition, whether he can recover is another matter. None of the concubine sons in the mansion are successful and can inherit the great power in the future. , only Nuo Er.

"Master Hou, this time you are seriously ill and comatose, the son is more anxious than anyone else. He has exhausted his mind to find medicine for you. Originally, with his temperament, he would not have been willing to use his power in the firm to oppress Boss Song, but for you , he didn't object to me doing this, obviously in his eyes, you are still the most important."

Shangguan Tuo felt much more at ease, nodded and said: "This time he really did his best, no matter what, if he was ignorant before, where is Zheng Nianwen now?"

Steward Cui shook his head: "Since you became seriously ill and fell into a coma, she left the mansion, and never went to Bieyuan. It seems that she has left the capital. The subordinates sent people to search everywhere, but they couldn't find any trace of them."

Shangguan Tuo frowned: "So, Nuo'er locked herself in her room to drink all day these days? Because of Zheng Nianwen's departure, he was so sad, so he used wine to drown his sorrow?"

Cui Guanshi smiled and said nothing, his meaning was self-evident.

Shangguan Tuo thumped the armrest of the wheelchair, and said angrily, "How can a man who does great things indulge in his children's affairs all day long, making nonsense, it's just nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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