Chapter 1517 Darkness in Heart

Chapter 1533

He looked up at Cui Guanshi: "You go and ask him to come over and say that I have something to say to him."

Cui Guanshi waved his hand: "I'm afraid it won't work. Before I came here, I happened to be living in Mu Cang. The prince was already drunk and fell asleep. I'm afraid I can't call him now. Why don't you send someone to guard him and invite him over when he wakes up?" ?”

Shangguantuo thought for a while, and finally waved his hand: "Forget it, there's no need, let him figure it out for himself. It's useless for others to say anything about this kind of thing. The most important thing is to figure it out yourself."

But after all, he is his own son. Since he was a child, he has watched him grow up, put so much effort into him, and placed high hopes on him. He was always worried. After thinking about it, even though it was late at night, Shangguan Tuo still asked his subordinates to push him Then he came to Mu Cangju.

It was pitch black in Mu Cangju, even the porch lights were off, like a deserted courtyard where no one lives.

The guards guarding the gate of Mu Cangju saw Lord Hou coming, and hurried forward to meet him: "Why is Lord Hou here at this time?"

Shangguan Tuo glanced at the guard, and asked in a deep voice, "Why don't you even light a porch lamp inside? Shangguan's house can't even pay for lamp oil?"

The guard hurriedly said: "Go back to Lord Marquis, the prince won't let you order, he said, he said—"

"what did he say?"

The guard gritted his teeth, and said flatly: "He said that the darkness in his heart is darker than the darkness in front of him, even if he lights up the lamp, it can't illuminate his heart..."

Shangguan Tuo said nothing, looked coldly at the darkness in the courtyard, after a moment of silence, he suddenly said: "Light up the lights, light up all the lights in the courtyard, I want to see today, he How dark is in my eyes and heart."

The servants who had already fallen asleep were woken up, and after a while of busy work, the door of Shangguan Nuo's room was kicked open, and a strong smell of alcohol came over his face, causing Shangguan Tuo to frown.

The servant went in with a lamp and lit up several lamps in the room.

The sound of kicking the door, coupled with the sound of servants holding up lights to enter the door, awakened the sleeping Shangguan Nuo Shengsheng. He half-closed his eyes and looked at the door. In his hazy vision, someone walked towards him step by step, with a slender figure. , with light footsteps and a flowery smile, especially those eyes, which are clear and bright, as dazzling as the stars at night.

He turned over and sat up, murmuring, "Wen'er? Is that you, Wen'er?"

Shangguan Tuo closed his eyes, suppressed the anger in his chest, and growled in a low voice, "Open your eyes wide and see who I am?"

Shangguan Tuo's low growl finally woke up the delirious Shangguan Nuo.

He collected himself and finally saw the person in front of him clearly. This was not the reading text he had been thinking about day and night, but his father, the father who was determined to kill the reading text.

"Father, why are you here?" He rubbed his painful temple and asked with a frown.

"What? I can't come? In the Shangguan Mansion, is there a place that I, Shangguan Tuo, can't go to?"

Shangguan Nuo got up, walked to the table and poured himself a glass of water, drank it, and then said: "I didn't mean that, you didn't like to come to my place before, and now it's midnight."

"What's wrong in the middle of the night? You can't come and see your son in the middle of the night?" He signaled his servants to push the wheelchair in front of Shangguan Nuo, and continued, "Look at what you are now. If I don't come again, you will I'm going to be an alcoholic."

Shangguan Nuo poured another cup of tea and handed it to his father: "Father, don't be angry, drink some tea first."

Shangguan Tuo didn't take the tea he handed over, but asked coldly, "What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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