Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1518 I don't want anyone

Chapter 1518 I don't want anyone

Chapter 1534

Shangguan Nuo put down the teacup in his hand, sat down at the table nearby, and said with a wry smile: "What else can I think? Is it meaningful to think?"

"It doesn't matter whether it is meaningful or not, you can talk about it first." Shangguan Tuo said.

Shangguan Nuo shook his head: "I didn't think much about it, I don't know what to think about it, I don't want to think about it."

"You are escaping. You know exactly what you are going to face next. This is an opportunity that so many people dream of, but you—you really don't know what to do."

Shangguan Nuo shrugged his shoulders and snorted lightly: "I don't know what to do? Well, I just don't know what to do. I'm not interested in this kind of thing. You should find someone who is interested."

"Who do you want me to go to? You are my son, and your surname is Shangguan. This is destined to be your world. Who do you want to push it to?" Although he tried his best to suppress his anger, he couldn't maintain his true peace of mind.

"Whatever you want, anyway, I'm not interested in participating in your grand plan and hegemony, you can play by yourself, I'd better hurry up and live a comfortable life for two days."

"In the end, isn't it because of a woman? It's just a woman. In the future, if you hold the country in your hands, are you afraid that you won't find the woman you like? There are women all over the world for you to choose from. What is she, Zheng Nianwen?"

Shangguan Nuo's indifferent gaze suddenly became sharp: "Father, I don't want all the women in the world. I just want to read the text, as long as she is, I don't want anyone."

"If I can send her to you, will you change your mind?"

Shangguan Nuo frowned, "What do you mean?" He was not in a good mood, and quickly answered: "Father, have you forgotten that Nianwen died long ago, and there is no more Zheng Nianwen in this world."

Shangguan Tuo waved his hand: "Stop pretending to me, I already know that Xiaoguan who followed you earlier is Zheng Nianwen."

Shangguan Nuo's complexion changed drastically: "What are you going to do?"

"I do everything for your own good, for the good of Shangguan's family." He stared into his son's eyes: "Tell father, if father sends her to you and makes her your woman, would you change your mind? "

"No, dad, you can't do this. Read Wen she is a human being, not a thing. You can't do this to her."

Shangguan Tuo snorted coldly: "To you, she may be as precious as a treasure, but to me, the only one who is as precious as a treasure is my son. It is her blessing that my son can fall in love with her. If her arrival can make you accept This country, I am willing to let her stay by your side."

"No, Dad, you can't, you can't do this." Shangguan Nuo held his father's arm tightly, trying to persuade him to give up this idea, but Shangguan Tuo was obviously determined.

"You take good care of him, and don't allow him to leave Mu Cangju for half a step without my order."

In the past, he only said that Nuoer was temporarily confused by Zheng Nianwen's beauty. After a long time, he would naturally wake up, but after seeing Nuoer's appearance today, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought. I really like that dead girl, if I can't get that girl, Nuo'er, this child, will be useless.

He urgently summoned Cui Guanshi to discuss matters in the study.

"Are you going to secretly arrest Zheng Nianwen?" Cui Guanshi raised his eyebrows and asked.

Shangguan Tuo nodded: "Do this matter immediately, don't make a big fuss, but do it secretly. Also, Jian Yun and Mr. Wan can escape from the palace alive. This must not be an easy matter. I suspect that something happened in the palace."

He had never thought about it before, but recently he entered the palace frequently and saw Chu Tianqi a lot, this Chu Tianqi has changed a lot, he didn't pay much attention to it at first, but today he thought about it all day, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. I feel strange, and I am really terrified when I think carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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