Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1523 Temperament is also 1-time

Chapter 1523 Strong Temperament Is Temporary
Chapter 1539

Steward Cui brought Zheng Nianwen back to the Shangguan Mansion, and ordered someone to wash her face with cleansing powder.

Looking at that delicate and beautiful face, Shangguan Tuo sneered: "It really is her."

Cui Guanshi said: "Master Hou, when my subordinate brought her back just now, I happened to meet the young miss, the young lady should have seen it, and with the relationship between the young lady and the son, I'm afraid—"

Before he finished speaking, there was a commotion outside.

"My son, Master Hou has ordered that no one is allowed to enter."

"Go away!" Shangguan Nuo kicked the guard, kicked him to the ground, kicked open the door of the study, and rushed in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Nianwen lying unconscious on the ground.

He rushed forward and hugged Nianwen into his arms. It was true that she was still alive and not injured. Then he let go of his hanging heart. He raised his head and stared at his father with red eyes. "Father, you killed her parents, ruined her home, and turned her from a princess who was loved by thousands of people into the miserable state she is today. Isn't it enough? Isn't it enough? You What else do you want to do to her?"

Shangguan Tuo frowned, and stared at his son displeasedly: "Isn't it all for you that I did this? As I said, I will send her to you."

"Father, I also said that I don't need her. I like her and hope she stays by my side. That's my wish, but what I want is that she is sincerely willing to stay, not just like you. Forcibly keeping her in this way, what is the difference between this and robbing a civilian girl and forcing her into prostitution?"

Shangguan Tuo raised his hand and slapped him hard, causing blood to flow from the corner of Shangguan Nuo's mouth: "What nonsense are you talking about? Dad, this is all for your own good, don't you understand?"

"Her surname is Zheng, and she is the daughter of Zheng Zhongwen and Qi Rongyue. Do you think it is possible for her to stay by your side willingly? If you don't use some means, you will never get her for the rest of your life, and she will just abandon you." Go, never look at you again, is that what you want?"

Shangguan Nuo's heart ached unbearably. Looking at the sleepy girl in his arms, he wished that she could lie quietly in his arms like this for the rest of his life, and stay by his side forever. He could see her when he opened his eyes. He could feel her presence even with his eyes. Only when she was by his side would his heart not be so lonely, and his life would not be so boring and desolate.

Cui Guanshi saw that the son's face seemed to be relaxed, so he hurriedly said: "My son, this is for your own good, if you don't use some tricks, how could Zheng Nianwen come to you obediently? The process doesn't matter, what matters is the result, if the result is right, then it's right, you like her, that's her blessing, women, temper is also temporary, stay by your side and train them, you will always be docile. "

"She's not like any woman you've ever seen, she won't—"

Shangguan interrupted his words and said angrily, "What's the difference? Don't say it's just a princess with a surname outside the district. Even if it's a princess, my son is enough to match her."

Seeing that his son had nothing to say anymore, he waved his hand and said, "Okay, take her back to Mu Cangju first, take care of her, don't let her run around, I warn you, if you let her go secretly, my people will not let her go." If you show mercy to her, the next time you see her, it won't be a living person, but a cold corpse."

(End of this chapter)

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