Chapter 1524 Let Me Go

Chapter 1540

Shangguan Nuo hugged the girl in his arms tightly, glared at his father resentfully, stood up holding the text in his arms, and left the study quickly.

"Master Hou, just let the son take her away like this? With the son's temperament, it is really possible that he will let her go secretly. What's more, this girl is very good at lightness kung fu. If she wants to escape, no one can stop her."

Shangguan Tuo shook his head: "Although you have watched Nuo'er grow up, you still don't understand him. Now he is very conflicted in his heart. He wants to maintain a good image in front of Zheng Nianwen, but he also wants to get her. He doesn't know what to do. How to do."

"But don't forget, he is always a man. As long as he is a man, he will always have selfish emotions when facing a woman he cannot love. When this emotion slowly dominates his body, he will naturally Making the most correct judgment, this kind of thing is a man's natural instinct, no one needs to teach him, I believe my son, he will do well."

Cui Guanshi really admires Shangguantuo more and more. Although he is inconvenient to move now, his brain is really easy to use, especially after waking up this time, he is no longer as irritable and irritable as before. Calm and composed, as if everything is under his control, and there will be no accidents.

When Nianwen woke up, it was already afternoon, she was weak all over, and couldn't exert any strength. The doctor's instinct told her that this was not normal, she was poisoned.

The room is very familiar, this is Mu Cangju, Shangguan Nuo's room.

The back sitting in front of the room was also very familiar. He suddenly turned his head and saw that she was awake, and immediately came to her side: "How do you feel? Are you okay?"

Seeing him, Nian Wen felt a little relieved, "I'm poisoned, do you have an antidote?"

Shangguan Nuo was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickering slightly: "Sure, poisoned? What kind of poison?"

Lian Wen didn't notice his stiff expression, and struggled to get out of bed, and fell to the ground after walking two steps, "I think I've been hit by cartilage powder, it doesn't matter if you don't have the antidote, as long as you give me the ingredients, I can do it myself." Prepare an antidote."

Shangguan Nuo said: "Wen'er, it's not that I don't help you, it's my father, he, he originally wanted to imprison you in the dungeon, but I had a big fight with him, and we robbed you with death After coming over, he had nothing to do with me, so he agreed to let you live with me temporarily, but outside, they have already surrounded them, and even I can't get out. "

Zheng Nianwen was in a hurry: "No, no, I can't stay here, you must help me, I want to enter the palace immediately."

"Entering the palace? What happened? Who are you looking for?" Thinking of Wan Kun, he immediately frowned: "Is it Wan Kun?"

Read the text and nodded: "Yes, I must go to the palace immediately to find him, Master respects her, she can't do it—" Thinking of this, her tears couldn't stop falling, and she couldn't stop crying.

Shangguan Nuo was very distressed. If he saw her like this on weekdays, he would definitely agree to all her requests immediately.

But after going through the hard thinking of these days, he realized that if he let go again this time, he would be truly and completely lost.

But he couldn't bear to see Nian Wen sad, and he didn't know what to do right now.

She grabbed Shangguan Nuo's hand, with tears in her eyes: "Shangguan Nuo, please help me this time, Wan Kun is her only son, I don't want her to leave this world with regrets, please, let me go Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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