Chapter 1525

Chapter 1541

Shangguan Nuo helped her up, his eyes full of distress: "Wen'er, it's not that I don't want to let you go, it's my father - I can't help it, even I can't get out, let alone you."

She looked at Shangguan Nuo in front of her, his eyes seemed no longer as calm as before, she suddenly realized that Shangguan Nuo had changed, he was no longer the former Shangguan Nuo.

Is cartilage powder really the drug Shangguantuo gave her?

She remembered that in the room where she used to live, there was a cloth bag under the pillow, which contained some pills and a bag of needles, which she usually carried with her for self-defense. The room has been empty, so things must still be there.

She said: "Since you are in such a difficult situation, I don't want to make it difficult for you. You help me back to my room first. We are lonely and widowed. I'm afraid it's not very good for me to live with you."

Seeing that she no longer persisted, Shangguan Nuo was secretly happy, this small request was naturally agreed.

Her original room has always been empty, and it still maintains the appearance when she left. Even the quilt on the bed has not been touched by anyone, and it is still as messy as when she just woke up.

Shangguan Nuo said: "Since you left, I have never let anyone come in. This is your room, the room you lived in. I hope you can come back, so I have kept it intact. Unexpectedly, you really is back."

His voice was deep and low, but the feeling of joy flowed between the lines, making it hard to ignore.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and didn't care to listen to his sincere confession, "I'm tired, you go out first."

Shangguan Nuo's face froze, and he said with a dry smile, "You have trouble moving now, if I leave, you won't even be able to drink your saliva, I—"

"I don't want to drink water, I just want to stay alone for a while, you go." She turned her head away, hiding the disgust on her face, she was already trying very hard to restrain her emotions, trying not to get angry at him, trying not to put His dislike manifests itself.

"Okay then, take a rest first, and I'll come see you later." He took a deep look at her, sighed softly in his heart, and turned to leave.

The door was closed, and after confirming that his footsteps were getting farther and farther away, she quickly lifted the pillow, and the cloth bag was still there, and there were several pill bottles in it, among which there happened to be the detoxification pill of Cartilage Powder.


In the study room, Shangguan Tuo asked Guanshi Cui, "How is Mu Cangju?"

Cui Guanshi's face was filled with joy: "Master Hou is really good at predicting things, we haven't done anything here yet, the prince has already done it first."

Shangguan Tuo raised his eyebrows, "Oh? What did he do?"

Cui Guanshi smiled and said: "The son fed her cartilage powder. It seems that the son has enlightened, but I don't know whether the son's action is purely to save her life, or to keep her for selfishness."

Shangguan Tuo put down the notebook in his hand, smiled lightly and said, "In my opinion, there are both, and the latter is probably the majority."

Cui Guanshi echoed: "This subordinate also thinks so, it seems that the son will soon get his wish."

Shangguan Tuo shook his head: "That's not necessarily the case. Although I'm not familiar with Zheng Nianwen, I can guess her temperament. She is not a girl who is easy to fool, and she has a very strong personality. I want to make her feel wronged." It's almost impossible to ask for perfection, unless—”

Cui Guanshi looked curious, seeing Hou Ye cut off a sentence, he hurriedly asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless she really likes Nuo'er and is willing to stay with Nuo'er, otherwise, it will always be a disaster for her to stay."

(End of this chapter)

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