Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 1527 I wish the son all wishes come true

Chapter 1527 I wish the son all wishes come true

Chapter 1543

Cui Guanshi also subconsciously glanced at the tightly closed door, and said with a low laugh: "Of course I have something to do, son, you come with me."

Shangguan Nuo didn't move, Cui Guanshi grabbed his arm with a smile, and pulled him aside, "My lord, this subordinate is here to bring you some good things."

"What good thing?" Shangguan Nuo frowned, and glanced at the tray in his hand naturally. Could it be this is the good thing he was talking about?
Cui Guanshi ordered the attendants behind him to bring the lantern close to him, so that the tray in his hand could be seen clearly. He lifted the lid of the porcelain cup, and there was a red pill inside: "My lord, please take a look."

Shangguan Nuo glanced at it and immediately asked, "What is this?"

"This is the Fascinating Love Pill, I wonder if your son has heard of it before?"

Shangguan Nuo grew up in Dongli, how could he not have heard of this unique thing in Dongli?
"Why do you have this kind of forbidden drug?" Shangguan Nuo's face changed slightly. This kind of drug was banned by the imperial court more than ten years ago, and it was not allowed to make and sell it.

"Your Majesty, don't care how I got it, as long as it is useful to your Majesty."

"I don't need it, you take it." He stretched out his hand and pushed away the tray that Steward Cui handed over, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"My son, why are you doing this? Don't you want to marry the princess? Don't you want the princess to fall in love with you and stay by your side forever?"

He wanted to, of course he wanted to, he dreamed of it.

But even if you think like this, you can't use this method to treat reading texts, you can't.

"You don't need to say these words to tempt me, I won't be fooled by you, you go, I don't need this kind of thing."

Cui Guanshi did not achieve his goal, how could he give up, he stopped Shangguan Nuo who was about to turn around: "My lord, you have to think clearly, if you don't do anything, you will never win the princess's heart, even if you How about imprisoning her with cartilage powder for the rest of her life? She still won't have you in her heart."

Zheng Nianwen behind the door trembled with anger when he heard this. It turned out that it was not Shangguan Tuo who poisoned her, but Shangguan Nuo, whom she had always trusted.

"Shut up." His complexion changed slightly, and he looked at the door nervously. The door was still closed, but he wasn't sure if the people inside were awake or asleep, and if he heard them talking.

Cui Guanshi said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the subordinates have checked the atmosphere in the house, and they probably haven't woken up yet."

Shangguan Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Guanshi Cui, "Don't come here if you have nothing to do, and don't talk nonsense here."

Cui Guanshi smiled: "I really didn't expect that the son would care so much about the princess. If so, why didn't the son listen to the advice of the subordinate and use this enchanting pill, so you are afraid that there will be no sweet days in the future?"

Shangguan Nuo was very resistant in his heart, but looking at the tray in Cui Guanshi's hand, looking at the small sapphire lamp, as long as Wen'er swallowed the fascination pill in this lamp, Wen'er would fall in love with him forever and ever stay with him.

Thinking of this, he unexpectedly stretched out his hand and took the tray from Steward Cui.

He clearly knew it was wrong, he clearly knew it was wrong, but he——

Cui Guanshi said with a smile: "I wish your son all wishes come true, and this subordinate will retire."

He stood at the door with the tray in his hand for an unknown amount of time, until the servant behind him reminded him in a low voice, "My lord, it's getting late at night."

He came back to his senses and looked at the closed door. The room was pitch black. Has she not woken up yet?What if she wakes up?What is he going to say to her?How to continue weaving lies in front of her?

(End of this chapter)

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