Chapter 1528
Chapter 1544

He plucked up the courage to push open the door, the room was pitch black, he was about to turn around and ask for a lantern from his attendants outside, when a hand stretched out from nowhere, and inserted a silver needle between his fingers into the back of his neck, He suddenly lost his voice, and the door was closed at this time. In the dark room, he heard the sound of his heart beating wildly, and the sound of breathing in different shades.

He wanted to speak, but he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He wanted to move, but the gate of life was held in her hand.

"Shangguan Nuo, I never expected that you would be such a shameless person." Her voice was cold, filled with disappointment and determination.

He closed his eyes to hide the regret in his eyes. She heard it, and she really heard it, which meant that he would lose her completely.

Heh—perhaps lost is not the right word, he never got it.

It's just that for him, it's lost, lost forever.

She took the tray in his hand, threw it on the table, and said in a cold voice, "Missing Love Pill? Cartilage Powder? Shangguan Nuo, what tricks do you still have?"

She pulled out the silver needle that sealed his dumb acupoint, stared at his brows and eyes in the dark, "Open your eyes and look at me, tell me, what else do you want to do to me?"

He slowly opened his eyes, looking at those eyes widened by anger, his heart ached unbearably, and the smile on his face became more and more bitter: "I'm sorry, Wen'er, I'm sorry!"

He took out a dagger from his arms and handed it to Zheng Nianwen: "I am sorry for you, my father ruined your family, and I selfishly wanted to force you to stay by my side. Our Shangguan family is sorry for you, you killed me Well, just treat me as a son and atone for my father."

She took the dagger, and the sharp snow blade shone coldly in the night sky. He closed his eyes, waiting for that moment to come.

But that moment never came.

Hearing the sound of tearing, she cut off a piece of robe from her body, and threw the robe and the dagger on the ground: "Shangguan Nuo, the relationship between you and me in the past will end here. Either a stranger or an enemy."

After saying that, she turned around and ran out, there was a sound of fighting, but he didn't move, he knew those guards couldn't stop her.

Half an hour later, Guanshi Cui hurried to Shangyuan. Shangguan Tuo had just fallen asleep. Seeing that Guanshi Cui came here in such a hurry, he knew that something must have happened, so he hurriedly ordered someone to help him into the wheelchair.

"what happened?"

Cui Guanshi said anxiously: "Master Hou, something is wrong, Zheng Nianwen has escaped."

"Escaped? Didn't you say that she was poisoned by cartilage powder? Nuo'er also took your enchantment pill, how could she run away suddenly?"

Cui Guanshi shook his head: "This subordinate doesn't know either. According to the people in Mu Cangju, Zheng Nianwen was indeed hit by cartilage powder. When he woke up today, he couldn't even walk."

Shangguan Tuo's complexion changed slightly: "By the way, she is Jian Yun's direct disciple, so it must not be difficult to detoxify her. How is Nuoer? Was she injured?"

Cui Guanshi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is fine, but he looks very bad, he didn't say a word, just sat in the room where Zheng Nianwen lived in a daze, and no one was allowed to enter."

"Stupid, really stupid, for a woman, you actually tossed yourself like that." He turned his head and glared at Cui Guanshi: "Where did Zheng Nianwen escape to? Did you send someone to chase him?"

Cui Guanshi lowered his head, "Go back to Marquis, she, she has entered the palace."

"What? Entered the palace? You bastards, even this woman can't stand her. What's the use of keeping you?"

(End of this chapter)

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