Chapter 1529 There is a plan

Chapter 1545

Steward Cui knelt down to plead guilty. Seeing that the furious Lord Hou was about to burn his anger on him, he suddenly thought of a brilliant idea, and immediately said, "Master Hou, I have a plan."

Shangguan Tuo stared at him coldly: "Speak." Although the anger in his heart was spreading, if there was a way to remedy it, he would naturally listen to it.

Cui Guanshi said: "Master Hou, we are holding Zheng Nianwen, isn't it just to lure Chu Tianqi out of the cave? It is because we don't understand the current situation in the palace, and if we act rashly, we may fall into the other party's trap. Shangchu Tianqi is still in power, it is unreasonable for us to bring troops into the palace, but what if we lead troops into the palace with the pretext of arresting traitors?"

Shangguan Tuo immediately understood that Cui Guanshi's plan was really clever, and Zheng Nianwen fled into the palace, so they just had a reason to bring troops into the palace to arrest the rebels, clean up the inner palace, and completely control Chu Tianqi Stop, and then force him to issue a Zen imperial edict, and by then, the great cause will be accomplished, and his name, Shangguan Tuo, should be recorded in the annals of history forever.

"Okay, this plan is very good, let's do it like this, you immediately take the soldier talisman and transfer the city defense camp to come in, our Dongli's [-] troops will arrive in Kyoto tomorrow. , everything will be tomorrow."

Cui Guanshi's blood has also begun to boil. As Shangguantuo's right-hand man, he has contributed a lot to the great cause of the Shangguan family along the way. From then on, he will be prosperous and rich, and he will bless future generations.


It is said that Zheng Nianwen threw off the pursuers of the Shangguan Mansion, jumped into the palace wall, and first alarmed the guards in the palace, but after several times of trouble, she finally saw Wan Kun and Chu Tianqi.

Wan Kun looked at the scars on her body, which were cut by sharp swords in many places, and blood soaked most of her clothes. She was both angry and distressed, "How did this happen? Sit down quickly, and I will give you medicine."

Nian Wen held his hand instead: "It doesn't matter to me, it's just some skin trauma, you come with me quickly."

Wan Kun grabbed her and said, "What are you messing around with? You still say it's okay to hurt yourself, sit down quickly, and I'll give you medicine."

Nian Wenhong's eyes were red, tears kept falling, she didn't know how to speak, Wan Kun in front of her had paid too much for her, for the Chu family, and she couldn't even take care of her critically ill mother.

Hot tears fell on the back of Wan Kun's hand. He looked up at her and asked with a smile, "Why? It hurts? You have to endure the pain. You are so desperate that you dare to rush into the palace. Fortunately, nothing major happened this time. if--"

She held his hand instead, her eyes were blurred by tears, she could hardly see the appearance of the man in front of her, her heart ached as if being grabbed by someone, and the needles kept pricking her.

"Wan Kun, Master respects her, she's dying—"

The smile on Wan Kun's face froze in an instant, and he stared blankly at the girl in front of him, that crying face, that kind of sad emotion completely enveloped him.

"What did you say? What did you just say?"

She has long been sobbing: "Master, she is dying, you go back with me and see her for the last time, I don't want, I don't want him to leave with regrets." The reason why she desperately wanted to go to the palace to find him was because I want to take him to see Master for the last time.

Chu Tianqi, who just arrived just heard this sentence, rushed forward and grabbed Nianwen's arm: "Master, what's wrong with her? Last time I went to see her, didn't you say that you can just take care of her?"

(End of this chapter)

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