Chapter 1530
Chapter 1546

Read the text and shook her head, her voice became more and more choked up: "No, Master, she has not been well all the time. She is afraid that Uncle, you will be sad because of her affairs, and you will not be able to concentrate on the restoration of power, so she didn't let us tell you. Now—— She can't go on anymore, uncle, what should we do? What Master hopes most is that Wan Kun and my mother can accompany her and send her to the last journey, but now—”

The Shangguan Mansion outside the palace must have laid a net, just waiting for them to throw themselves into the net, but there is no news of their parents so far. . .

Although Chu Tianqi is an emperor, he heard that his master was critically ill, he was anxious and sad, and said with red eyes: "Let's go, we will leave the palace now."

He stretched out his hand to pull Wan Kun, but Wan Kun remained motionless.

"Your Majesty, it's fine for me to go alone. You and Nian Wen stay here and take good care of her for me."

Chu Tianqi was puzzled: "It's this time, how can I stay in the palace with peace of mind, no, I want to go with you."

"Your majesty, you must not leave the palace. Shangguan Tuo has already become suspicious of us. It is hard to say what is going on outside the palace now. If you leave the palace, it will undoubtedly be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. You must not let it go." He had always known in his heart that this day would come sooner or later, but he never thought that this day would come so fast that they would be caught off guard and he would not have time to make any arrangements.

Nian Wen held Wan Kun's hand tightly: "I don't care, I want to go with you."

Wan Kun shook her head, and put her hand in Chu Tianqi's: "Wen'er, now is not the time to be willful. If you are seriously injured, go out with me. If you encounter an ambush from the Shangguan family, can you escape? You will only be a burden to me when you are with me."

Nian Wen grabbed his hand again and shook his head desperately: "You don't have to provoke me, I won't let you go alone." She is very clear about the situation outside, and it may be difficult to get out of the palace this time. , but even so, they must make a breakthrough, the master is still waiting for them, they have to go back to see her off for the last time no matter what, and must not let her leave this world with regrets.

At this time, the sky outside was getting brighter, and when Wan Kun was about to knock the reading out with a palm, a guard rushed in: "Your Majesty, Mr. Wan, something is wrong."

Chu Tianqi hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"According to the news from the spies outside the palace, [-] soldiers from Dongli have arrived outside the capital city. Shangguan Tuo sent his henchmen to the city defense battalion to mobilize troops. It seems that they are going to make a move."

The faces of the three of them were all shocked, Dongli [-] soldiers and horses?

Shangguan Tuo transferred [-] troops from Dongli?

And even though they controlled the imperial palace, even though they had the military symbols of thousands of elite soldiers from the city defense battalion, facing the number of [-] soldiers and horses, they were undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg.

He fell down on the dragon chair. Could it be that the Chu Family Dynasty was about to be defeated by him?

Wan Kun's face was bitter, and his eyes were full of helplessness. It seemed that he couldn't return to his mother for the time being and sent her off for the last time.

He closed his eyes to hide the helplessness and pain in them, raised his head and swallowed the water that was about to flow out of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he was Wan Kun showing his sharpness again.

"Your Majesty, it seems we should go."

"Go? Where are you going?" Chu Tianqi looked blank.

"If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. Shangguan Tuo has [-] soldiers in his hands. We are not his opponents, so we can only avoid them for a while. Don't forget, we still have the soldier talismans of Longxi and Weinan in our hands. If he, Shangguan Tuo, can secretly send troops to the capital, we can do the same."

(End of this chapter)

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