Chapter 153 Resolved
At this moment of life and death, a crisp jingle sounded in his ears, and he saw that the blade that was originally slashing at his neck deviated a few inches, and instead of hitting his neck, it just cut his neck arm.

A hand grabbed his hand and pulled him back. His body was pulled under a tree by the side of the road by a force. In his nose, there was the smell left by that person. Familiar medicinal scent.

He hurriedly turned his head, saw the slender figure standing in front of the two men in black, and blurted out, "Miss Rongyue?"

Hearing this, the bandit immediately looked at the girl in front of him in surprise: "Are you Qi Rongyue?"

Qi Rongyue nodded: "I'm Qi Rongyue, your companion has arrested the wrong person, and I'm the one you want to arrest."

When Yin Yixuan heard this, he almost bit off his tongue, he was pushing Rong Yue to the tiger's mouth!
He rushed out quickly, stood in front of Qi Rongyue, and said loudly: "You guys have something to come at me, what's the point of bullying a woman?"

The two laughed strangely: "We just like to bully women, don't you like it?"

Yin Yixuan frowned and spat out: "Bah, shameless!"

"Brother, since both of them are here, we just happened to solve it together. The woman caught by the third and fourth brothers, we will take it back to play, and give our brother some relief!"

Qi Rongyue stretched out her hand and tugged at Yin Yixuan's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "I'll tell you to run after a while and you run away, don't look back, go find someone."

Yin Yixuan shook his head: "No, I, Yin Yixuan, will never abandon you. If you want to walk together, if you want to die together, die together!"

Qi Rongyue frowned, shook her head and said, "Dead? I don't plan to die yet. I still have a lot to do. I definitely can't die!"

As soon as she grasped Yin Yixuan's hand, the slender palm had considerable strength, and after pulling and pulling, his body was involuntarily pulled back by a force, and he retreated more than ten steps before stopping.

The slender figure suddenly sprinkled a handful of white powder towards the two men in black.

"What is this?" The man coughed twice, breathing weakly.

Qi Rongyue said in a cold voice: "Of course it's poison!" When the man heard this, he became very angry and swung the knife in his hand to chop at Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue dodged sideways, quickly went around behind the man, stretched out her hand to grab the man's arm, pulled him hard, and pulled him off the horse. The man was already dizzy after being drugged by her. Dazed, she couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north after this fall. She picked up the knife that fell on the ground, and slammed the blade between the man's chest and abdomen. Blood splashed, and a few drops fell on her snow-white face. , in the darkness, I couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but from her neat methods, it could be seen that she was not flustered.

The other gangster saw that the boss fell off the horse and was seriously injured, and he was angry and resentful, but he was also drugged, so he was powerless to cut the two people in front of him under the knife, and they even lost their eyes. This seemingly weak girl actually knows kung fu.

The man tried his best to turn the horse's head and galloped into the distance, Qi Rongyue didn't think much, and quickly jumped on another horse, chasing the man.

Yin Yixuan ran after the horse and called Qi Rongyue's name to tell her to stop and come back, but she disappeared into the night as if she didn't hear her.

He was too anxious. The road in the dark night was covered with snow and mud. He fell several times in a row, but every time he gritted his teeth and got up, and continued to run forward. Studying, but never learning kung fu for a day, is really useless as a scholar, and can't even protect the woman he loves.

(End of this chapter)

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