Chapter 154 Protection
Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes came from far and near, and he hurriedly turned around. Many people came, holding torches in their hands, and shouting a person's name noisily.

It was his name. He heard his father's anxious voice, Si Yuan's crying voice, and many unfamiliar voices.

His heart relaxed, he quickly turned around and raised his hands and shouted: "Father, I am here, I am here."

Lord Yin was ecstatic when he heard his son's voice, and quickly galloped forward. He saw his son lying in the middle of the road. Although he looked embarrassed, he could tell that his son was in good spirits and was not injured.

He let down most of his heart, hurriedly got off the horse, rushed to his son, grabbed his son's hand, and held it tightly: "Yixuan, how are you? Are you injured?"

Yixuan quickly shook his head: "I'm fine, father, hurry up, hurry up and save Rongyue, she went to chase the gangsters alone in order to save Miss Xue'er!"

"She went after the bandit?" Master Yin raised his eyebrows, thinking of the corpse he saw on the road just now, he hurriedly asked: "Who killed the black-clothed bandit on the road just now?"

Yin Yixuan said: "Rong Yue killed it. If she hadn't arrived in time, the one who died would be me!"

Mrs. Yin was startled, she thought she was lucky, and asked again: "She knows kung fu?"

Yin Yixuan nodded: "It seems that she knows a little bit, and she has a lot of strength, but judging by the way she wields the knife, she doesn't seem to be very skilled."

Although he doesn't know kung fu, he has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs running. His good friend Zheng Zhongwen is a master of swordsmanship. Let the other bandit escape.

Master Yin saw that his son was in a hurry, so he was also in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Go back to the mansion with Si Yuan first, and I will go after Miss Qi."

How could Yin Yixuan agree: "No, I want to go too, I must go."

Seeing his appearance, Mr. Yin knew that he would definitely not listen to him. If he was forced to send him away, he might run back halfway. Wouldn't it be more dangerous to meet bandits at that time? It's better to take him with you for safety some.

"Then, let's go together!"

Si Yuan hurriedly brought his horse over, and he got on another guard horse.

With the snow fluttering, they galloped against the cold wind towards the depths of the path.

In front of a forest, two horses were standing restlessly in the snow. On the open space not far from the horses, a handful of luminous powder emitting fine light was sprinkled. The powder extended inward, indicating that Qi Rong Yue and the gangster went into the woods. Following shallow footprints, everyone held torches and entered the woods one after another.

It was a starless and moonless night, and in this lush forest, the night became more and more dark. Qi Rongyue watched the black-clothed gangster enter the forest, and she followed his footsteps in, but lost her sight in the blink of an eye. whereabouts of that person.

She didn't dare to walk indiscriminately, she took every step extremely carefully, still holding the sharp blade she just got from the bandit in her hand, even though she didn't take advantage of it, it was better than empty hands.

This kind of forest is the easiest to set traps. She doesn't know what is waiting for her in front of her, but she has to keep going. She can no longer just look at the people around her and leave her, because she and die.

She walked extremely slowly, seeing all directions with her eyes, and listening to all directions. In this cold night, there was no sound of insects or birds, and every sound that appeared was suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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