Chapter 1535 How to live alone?

Chapter 1551

The archer finally stopped, but Shangguan Nuo's back had already been pierced by several sharp arrows, and the corner of his mouth was overflowing with blood. Looking at his father in the wheelchair rushing towards him, he opened his mouth, mouthfuls of blood poured out , sprayed on Zheng Nianwen's back.

When Shangguan Tuo rushed to his son's side, he was speechless, exhausted all his strength, and tightly grasped his father's hand, "Father, no, don't, don't make one mistake and make another mistake."

Shangguan Tuo's heart ached unbearably, he held on to his son tightly and cried, "Nuo'er, why are you so stupid, why are you so stupid!"

"Father—I, I'm here to atone—for your sins—" The hand that was holding onto Shangguantuo's arm dropped limply, and his body was also soft as mud in an instant, lifeless.

"Nuoer, no, no, my Nuoer won't die, won't die."

He jumped down from the wheelchair, hugged his son's body tightly, and yelled for someone to call for an imperial doctor. At such a time, when the Chu Palace was in chaos and the situation in the capital was changing, where would there be an imperial doctor?

He caught sight of Zheng Nianwen who was holding Wan Kun in a daze, and immediately grabbed her arm with one hand: "You, aren't you a genius doctor? Save him, save him."

Zheng Nianwen turned his head slowly, saw Shangguantuo's panicked and pale face, his blank brain gradually regained consciousness, and only then did he notice Shangguan Nuo who died in Shangguantuo's arms, did he also die because of her?
Why are they doing this?
"What are you still doing in a daze? Save him quickly." Seeing that Zheng Nianwen was still in a daze, Shangguan Tuo simply picked up the arrow that fell on the ground, and pressed the tip of the arrow against Nianwen's throat: "I'll let you save him, otherwise, You will be buried with him."

Zheng Nianwen still didn't move: "He's dead, he's dead." But the person in her arms was still alive with a trace of breath, but she didn't know how to save him.

Mom, where are you?Tears finally fell slowly, line by line, sliding from the cheeks to the neck.

"Dead? No—it won't—" Shangguan Tuo's hands began to tremble, and he suddenly turned stern, and raised the arrow in his hand high: "Since he is dead, why are you still alive?"

A sharp arrow stabbed at Zheng Nianwen, and at this time Zheng Nianwen no longer had the desire to survive. If Wan Kun died, how would she live alone?

Nianwen closed her eyes, waiting for the sharp arrow to pierce her throat, there was another puff, the sound of the sharp arrow piercing into the flesh, but the pain did not come as expected, and after waiting for a while, she heard many messy sounds. With the sound of footsteps, she was hugged into a warm embrace, and the breath was so familiar.

Opening her eyes, that very familiar face that she missed countless times every day and night was right in front of her eyes.

"Mother——" she choked up, her eyes were blurred, her body collapsed limply, her mother's constant shouts could be heard beside her ears, but her body seemed to have fallen into a cold pool without the slightest warmth , the water in the cold pool was as thick as a lake of glue. She fell into the lake, her limbs were trapped and she couldn't move. Gradually, she fell into complete darkness, and the voice of her mother's calling in her ears gradually disappeared.

Qi Rongyue handed the daughter in her arms to Chu Tianqi who had just regained her freedom, and she quickly took out the silver needle to stop the bleeding and heal Wan Kun.

Wan Kun was seriously injured, even Qi Rongyue was not sure at all.

After Zheng Zhongwen controlled the situation in the palace, when he returned to Rong Yue, he saw the blood all over Nian Wen's body, and that little face was so pale and lifeless, he was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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