Chapter 1536 Disciple Unfilial
Chapter 1552

"How's Wen'er?" He asked Chu Tianqi in a trembling voice.

Chu Tianqi shook his head: "I don't know either. Sister Huang asked me to take care of Wen'er first, depending on the situation. Wan Kun's injury is more serious than Wen'er."

At this moment, Qi Rongyue stopped the acupuncture in her hand, she let out a long sigh, her eyes were slightly red.

"How?" Zheng Zhongwen asked.

Rong Yue shook her head: "Not good, very bad, his injury is too serious, the sharp blade hurts his heart, I can only temporarily keep his life alive, it may happen at any time—it may never wake up again."

Chu Tianqi looked annoyed and said: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I'm useless, a majestic emperor, but let the children suffer for me, I really deserve to die."

Zheng Zhongwen patted him on the shoulder: "It's not your fault. The situation forced them to do what they should do. It's not your fault."

Chu Tianqi suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Sister, brother-in-law, master, she—" Before he could speak, his voice was choked, he didn't know how to speak, now that the only son of the master has become like this again, he really doesn't know what to do How to face the master.

Qi Rongyue was startled: "What's the matter, master? You should tell me quickly."

Chu Tianqi repeated what Zheng Nianwen said when he broke into the palace.

Rong Yue was startled and wanted to run, but Zheng Zhongwen stopped him in time: "Where are you going? Do you know where the master is?"

Chu Tianqi didn't know where Jian Yun and Mr. Wan lived, but when he mentioned Luo Ji, Rong Yue knew the place immediately, and she always knew where Luo Ji lived.

Zheng Zhongwen brought a team of people to escort Qi Rongyue and Chu Tianqi to Luozhuang outside the city. Zheng Nianwen and Wan Kun were also carried there, and Tianhu was given the task of suppressing the rebels in the palace.

When they arrived at Luozhuang, they saw Min Hengzhi sitting alone in the courtyard crying, wearing plain filial piety clothes, with a sad and indignant expression.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he hurriedly raised his head, and at a glance he saw Qi Rongyue walking at the head of the crowd.

He got up slowly, fixed his eyes on Rongyue, and said in a hoarse voice, "You are here, Master, she has already left."

Rong Yue felt that her eyes were turning black, her legs were limp and weak, she knelt down on the ground with a plop, and cried, "Master, I'm late, I'm late." rise.

"Master, this disciple is unfilial. I failed to accompany you and send you off for the last time. Disciple is unfilial!"

Zheng Zhongwen and Chu Tianqi knelt down beside her, with tears in their eyes. To them, the master was like their reborn parents. He had sacrificed too much for them, but in the end, he ended up so unhappily.

Even her only son—God, are you blind, shouldn't good people be rewarded?

At this time, Mr. Wan came out of the house. Seeing that Zheng Zhongwen and Rong Yue had returned, and that Chu Tianqi was also safe, he sighed a long time, stepped forward to help the three of them, and said in a gentle voice, "It's good that you are safe and sound. Jian Yun is most worried." It is you who are here, if she has a spirit in heaven, she will feel at ease when she sees that you are all well."

He poked his eyes into the crowd and asked, "Where's Wan Kun? Where's the reading? Didn't they come back with you?"

At this moment, a few guards carried Wan Kun and Nian Wen who were covered in blood and came forward, and stopped in front of Mr. Wan.

Seeing his son like this, Mr. Wan was so shocked that he couldn't speak, he hurried forward to check his son's breath, and he was relieved that there was still a breath left. With Rong Yue, she would definitely be able to cure Wan Kun. hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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