Chapter 1537 We Are All Alive
Chapter 1553

"Go see your master off first, and put incense on her." Mr. Wan shook his son's hand, still warm, although worried in his heart, he didn't say much.

Min Hengzhi greeted the guards to send Wan Kun and Nianwen to the room.

Jian Yun was lying in the coffin, the lid of the coffin was not closed, and ice was spread around it.

Shortly after Nianwen left yesterday, Jian Yun's condition began to deteriorate, and he died after only two hours. He waited until today and did not wait for Wan Kun to return, so he and Hengzhi put her in the coffin and chilled her with ice cubes. He just wanted to wait for Wan Kun to come back, to see his mother one last time, and to see her off for the last time.

It's a pity that Wan Kun's current appearance may not be able to wait.

Rong Yue cried on the coffin and passed out. Sadness is not enough to express her current feelings. Since her father and mother were killed by Chu Lianren, over the years, Master has cared about her all the time like her own mother. It made her feel that she hadn't lost a loved one, which gave her great spiritual comfort.

She has long treated the master as her own mother, but after a few months, the master who was so energetic at the time is now separated from her forever, how can she accept it?

Zheng Zhongwen looked at his wife who was too sad and unconscious, at his daughter who was seriously injured and collapsed, at Wan Kun whose life was hanging by a thread, and at the lifeless master in the mourning hall, he punched the wooden door with hatred, The door panel was immediately torn apart: "Damn Shangguantuo, killing him like this is really cheap for him." At that time, he saw Shangguantuo stabbing Wen'er with a sharp arrow in his hand, so he didn't care about whether he was living or not. He used all his strength to strike, and that old thief Shangguantuo died with a single strike. Now he really wanted to drag that guy out and give him a good whipping.

"Mother, mother—"

Wen'er's dreaming sounds suddenly sounded, Zheng Zhongwen quickly turned around, and rushed to his daughter's bed, he held his daughter's hand tightly, with an excited expression: "Wen'er, are you awake? How do you feel?"

She was in the deep pool, her whole body was icy cold, and suddenly felt a warmth from the palm of her hand, and her father's voice rang in her ears, calling her name non-stop.

Gradually regaining consciousness, she thought of Wan Kun, what happened to Wan Kun?is he still aliveShe thought of her mother, father, younger brother, and master. . .Even Shangguan Nuo, are they all okay?

A strong desire to survive impacted her soul and senses. She wanted to live, and only by living could she know what she cared about. Is it all right?

She saw her body floating out of the cold pool, getting out of the sticky deep pool bit by bit, going up, always up, breaking through the darkness, and moving towards the light.

She desperately opened her heavy eyelids, and a face appeared in front of her eyes, which was indistinct, and the voice in her ears seemed to be far away.

She blinked vigorously, the figure in front of her eyes gradually became clear, and her voice became louder: "Wen'er, are you really awake?"

"Father—I'm still alive?"

Zheng Zhongwen nodded, nodding desperately, his eyes flushed: "Of course, my daughter is still alive, we are all alive."

She struggled to sit up, "Where's mother? Where's Wan Kun and Master? Are they all okay?" As soon as she finished asking, she immediately saw two other people lying in the room, Wan Kun and mother.

She was so panicked that she couldn't speak, she stepped out of bed and wanted to rush to her mother's bed, but as soon as her feet touched the ground, she fell heavily. Fortunately, Zheng Zhongwen was by her side, holding her firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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